Questions I can answer since I identified as a lesbian before but didn't feel the need to comment on her chapter since I'm nonbinary

Questions I can answer since I identified as a lesbian before but didn't feel the need to comment on her chapter since I'm nonbinary

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First of all, already hate it.

1. Yes, but I only called myself a dyke since I know others don't like them calling them dykes

2. Yes the one on the top of my head is Strange Æons and Stevie I've probably watched more but can't remember atm

3. I'm indifferent, I've called myself one but I also don't want people calling me it, unlike with Dyke I'd ve okay with someone calling me dyke

4. Google search lesbian pride flag. That's the one I use. But I also use the rainbow one but that's a personal choice.


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5. That one girl who's name I can't speed who sang with Brendon Urie

6. Yes. I know it means encenteric or weird but by society's standards we are 'weird' but what's wrong with being weird? Like Misha Collins once said "I want to live in a world where normal is an insult"

7. Yes, but no since you prob won't like me since I'm nonbinary. And want to get top surgery when I can and want to lower my voice slightly

8. No. I had labeling myself as any of those. I just am myself. I don't want to call myself femme, butch, or futch like can we not?

9. Have you seen how nonbinary are excluded? Like yeah we're trans but we have our own flag and or completely forgotten in the sea of FTM or MTF don't get me wrong no love my brother's and sisters but I want just as much positive as they do. I've only seen like two posts including nonbinary. Much less than lesbian positivity posts.


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10. Hmm. Do you think it's weird that it's called gay pride? And everyone goes to it even if they aren't men or 100% gay? Or that lesbians have their own flags more than one and men only have one that some use as an umbrella term or as their own bc they can't find their own pride flag? Or their pride flag is too obscure that theirs not many or their are so many that's theirs more than one design that's debatable? Oh like lesbians, and gynesexuals like myself?
Use what you want if your going to use a lesbian flag to represent yourself don't use one with a design on it. Use a well known one. IDC what pride flag people use, but if I'm making a PFP for someone, I'll use the flag they want otherwise it's a fucking personal choice.
I use the rainbow flag and the nonbinary flag.

Yes I'm nonbinary but by definition I am not homosexual which is what the rainbow flag represents but I don't fucking know which coloring of the pride flag for gynesexual I should use and it's hella obscure so I use the rainbow to communicate hey I like people who identify with my birth sex whether they are cis or trans. Bc honestly that's really fucking easy when people might be like "Wtf does that mean" when they see my actual obscure pride flag.
Just fuck off. Use whatever your comfortable with.

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