Knives, Needles and Glass Shards

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Valarie's POV

Sitting across the dinner table from my wife, her body enveloped in a shadowed black dress whose hem wrapped tightly around the peak of her nicely formed thighs. As she'd speak to me I'd just stare, watching her lips dance against her own face, covered in a blood red lipstick as her words went in through one ear and out of the other. Soon the solo would become a dance duet between my lips and hers. They'd hold each other close and move together in a fluid motion, but I think she's had enough of that for now.

Her and I haven't had... what I'd call an actual intimate and passionate experience. Yes, we've had sex, but it was the kind of sex every other lesbian couple has. Not saying I didn't enjoy it, but that's not who I am. I have yet to expose my true sexual desires to her. For all she knows, I'm just innocent, pure... well almost pure. This feels like coming out of the closet all over again. I feel like I'm about to reveal something about myself that I've never told anyone else, or maybe just one person who wasn't her. However, she'll be the first person to know...

"Valarie, did you hear anything I've just said?" she questioned as her gentle, yet rigid voice pierced through my ears, catching my attention.

"Yes, I heard you, but I set this... lovely dinner up for us, both for our 1-year anniversary and... I figured that it was time I told you something that I've never told anyone else..." I answered as I brought my eyes up from its locked view of the fire swaying in the glass, just above its candle. I looked into her eyes and reached across the table to wrap my fingers around her wrist, allowing my finger tips to graze over her bracelets. She looked at my hands and watched them fall slowly, landing on top of hers. I felt the diamond scratch against the palm of my hand and it sent a chill down my spine. My eyes closed for a second before looking back into hers.

She tilted her head, moving the hair resting on her right shoulder, against her neck. Her eyes navigated up in the direction of mine, looking right through me, I could almost feel her inside of me, peering through my eyes and looking into her own.

As her eyes connected with mine, I spoke confidently, "I haven't been completely honest with you, about who I was... sexually."

Her head straightened, bringing her attention back down to our hands, shifting hers to play with mine. Her fingers would grip onto a few of mine, sliding them against each other. She mumbled under her breath, "Well then, who are you?" as she raised her eyes to look at me again.

Reading the look, she gave me and the aura her body gave once I told her, I let go of her hands and reached in my jacket which hung over the back of my chair, for an envelope. I slowly slid the envelope across the table to her. "I need you to read every word in this agreement... every single word. And whether if you agree to this or not will determine how the rest of this night will go."

Her eyes continued to look between the envelope and me. Once the tip of her index finger slid under the closing of the envelope, I smiled. I stood up from out of my seat and left the room, allowing her to focus.

Alina's POV

As she walked out of the kitchen, I watched her take every step. This all felt very strange, I wasn't sure of how to feel with such a small amount of context. After removing the thin strip of tape from the backing of the envelope, I slid the piece of paper out of it. My head tilted again as I inspected the letter, looking at the words that laid just above the crease of the paper. The letter read,


I haven't been completely honest and true to myself while making love to you these past few years. It has taken a lot out of me to come out and expose what kind of lover I actually am, and how I'd prefer to make love to you. You will be the first to know that I am guilty of having a fetish called 'piquerism'. If you agree to the following forms of intimacy, I will take care of you the way I've always dreamt about taking care of you.

To keep things simple, piquerism includes the use of sharp and/or pointed objects to play with your senses during foreplay. This means you give me permission to run the edges of pins, needles, knives, or glass against your skin to watch your body's reactions, which will arouse me... and maybe even you - "

My eyes froze after reading the definition and a smirk formed on my face. There was more words and legal informants... nothing I haven't seen before. I was already convinced...I sat the paper down on the table, pushing my plate, covered in crumbs, away from my view. I stood from my chair, listening to my heels make sounds against the floor. I grabbed the pen and brought it over to the table as I sat myself back down nearly biting through my bottom lip. I scribbled my signature over the line provided, folding the paper closed, placing the pen in between my teeth. Leaving the envelope on the table I walked out of the kitchen.

Valarie's POV

My anxiety continued to build on itself as I waited for her response. I feared scaring her away and this might have been the time I did it. I wasn't sure of what to expect since I've never confronted other women about my actual sexual desires, requests... my wants.

Just as I was pacing the floor, nearly sweating, I hear Alina's heels, slowly approaching the stairs.

"Don't come up, I'll come down." I yelled, down the hall. She stayed silent as I quickly walked out of the bedroom door. Before making my way down the stairs, I took a deep breath as I laid my hand against the railing. Finally walking down the stairs, my eyes meet with Alina's. She stood at the bottom of the stair case with a pen resting in between her lips and my letter held tightly between her index and middle finger. Standing on the last step I looked down at her as she raised her hand to give me the letter, holding it in both of our hands as she pulled me down from off the stairs. She leaned against me, pressing her breasts firmly against my chest and whispered, "You have my permission..."

Watching her lips move as she spoke, I felt my body lose its tension. I wrapped my arms loosely around her waist as I guided her over to the wall that held the stairs. She smiled at me while she bit into her lip. The candlelight made her shadow move around from underneath her, scattering all over the wall as well as creating a golden glow against her velveted brown skin. Once her back touched the wall, she'd arch away from it, leaving her shoulder blades pressed against it and her pelvis pushed into mine.

Her hair was sloppily spread across her face like frayed curtains against a dark window that has been rained on. As the weight in between my legs began to increase, I brought my fingers to her face, moving her hair away before pushing her back up against the frozen wall. With our lips inches away, she kisses me once, barely letting our lips detach and whispers against me, "Show me who you are."

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