Chapter 6

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I needed air. I made a beeline for the ledge, needing to feel the cold wind on my face. It felt uncomfortably hot all of a sudden. Luka's sneer replayed in my mind, over and over and over again. I decided I wouldn't talk to him again. Pegasus was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps he'd gone to graze. The Sun was at its peak in the sky. I walked to the ledge, looking out over the desert. As always, my eyes were forced downwards. The ground dropped away from me like a bomb, exploding into light brown that spanned for miles upon miles in any direction.

That voice called again, invisible hands pulling me forwards. My heart thudded painfully in my ears. I heard Luka's voice, goading me on. Do it. The voice whispered. No one wants you here. We'd all be better off without you. It was so true. I couldn't fight the voice, couldn't resist the temptation. The wounds no one saw became unbearable. My ears started to ring, blocking out all other sound as I stared downwards, transfixed, hypnotized by the swirls of dust created by the wind on the desert plains. It turned my hair into a hurricane of silver strands and I gasped at the power I felt as I leant over the edge.

The illusion of peace shattered when a piece of shale broke away from the ledge. My foot slipped and self-preservation kicked in, supported by the need to preserve the life-force I provided to Pegasus. Hands flailed as I sought something to stop me following the rock downwards. My fingers left indents in the rock ledge as I barely halted my descent. I hung suspended over a chasm of air. Heart rapidly beating, I groaned as I heaved myself up. What seemed like an eternity passed before I was able to pull myself back onto solid ground. I rolled away from the edge and lay on my back, breathing heavily. My eyes were wide as I stared at the ceiling and tried to moisten my suddenly dry throat.

"Holy shit." I finally said. When I found the courage to stand up, my legs were shaky. I was in shock. Minutes later, Pegasus appeared.

What's wrong? He asked worriedly.

I'm alright Pegasus. Just got a little fright, is all. I answered, robbed of my ability to speak.

It didn't feel like just a little fright. It felt like I almost had a heart attack when I was flying back. I had to land. Pegasus was doubtful, but above all the anger I could feel the fear that he tried to hide. Fear of losing me, of the consequences.

I'm sorry Pegasus. I won't do it again. I promised. They're going to get Henry in twenty minutes.

Who is?

Mum's teleporting a werewolf called Luka to the village. Pegasus looked unsure at the name, but said nothing.

You're going aren't you? He said instead.

Only to the edge of Ranwick Forest. I'll climb a tree and watch from there. I promised Finch I'd be back by dark.

Not by dark. Before. I smiled and nodded in agreement. Pegasus snorted in satisfaction, before a wing flicked out so he could preen the feathers. I sat down, watching him quietly. When he finished, we stayed together in comfortable - if a little awkward - silence until Mum and Luka appeared at the entrance. Luka was dressed in a simple white farmer's shirt and torn brown trousers, and had a leather satchel slung over his shoulder. His hair was ruffled and messy, his face dirty. He looked about as generic as he could.

"All set?" I asked, standing up awkwardly. Mum smiled.

"I'll be back soon, and in half an hour so will they." I nodded, still unsure of what to do with my hands. In the end I stuck them into my pockets. Luka rolled his eyes. Mum turned to the werewolf and asked if he were ready.

"As I'll ever be." Mum held out her hand and Luka took it.

"Don't let go." She warned, before the portal appeared above them and they disappeared. As soon as the portal closed I grabbed the saddle. While it still took longer than usual to saddle up Pegasus, I finished soon enough and jumped into the seat. Prepared for the shift in weight, Pegasus trotted towards the edge. I closed my eyes as he dove, and didn't open them until we had levelled out.

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