Chapter 20

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I did the first thing that came to mind. I said no, you know, like a liar.

"I'm not a traitor." I replied, carefully watching those hands of his. Every instinct in my body screamed at me to react, to conjure up flames of my own. I lowered the gun.

"Oh really?" King Zelrox sneered. "And can you explain to me just how you chanced upon the missing dragon hearts that were stolen from me?"

"A group of my soldiers and I were out early this morning." My mind raced. "The Freedom Fighter scum were camping near the edge of the forest. They had the bullets with them."

"Where are the Freedom Fighters that you speak of now, pray tell?" King Zelrox hadn't lowered his guard.

"We killed them in cold blood and left their bodies for their brethren to discover."

"Hardly a coincidence that you have no evidence of how you acquired the bullets."

"Your Majesty, with all due respect, I am your closest advisor. If I really were a traitor, why would I not use normal bullets while you are at your weakest? Look at yourself, and how quickly you have recovered. Why would I do that and restore your strength if I wished you dead?" King Zelrox looked down at his hands, surveying his restored body. I waited with bated breath, and didn't dare make a move. But just when it looked like I was about to escape with my life, Clype burst in.

"My Lord, my suspicions have been confirmed!" He hissed, and pointed a bony finger at my chest. My heartbeat quickened. "He is not General Baron. I discovered the real General Baron in the broom closet only minutes ago." King Zelrox looked at me, and I shrugged.

"Plan B." I pulled out the General's dagger and threw it at King Zelrox. I didn't wait to see how he reacted, but I heard Clype yelp and take off. I rushed King Zelrox and took him by surprise, tackling him to the ground. Afterwards, I raced for the window and leapt, curling into a ball and hurtling through the glass. It scraped my cheeks and hands and exposed neck, the force taking my cap off. I'd forgotten just how big General Baron was, and almost got stuck in the window. Wriggling the rest of the way through, I cried out as red hot fire singed my thigh and I tumbled to the ground in a heap. Scrambling up, I dodged King Zelrox's next attempt to burn me alive and hobbled as quickly as I could around the corner of the stone.

I had no choice. A ball of blue fire appeared in my hand and the veins in my wrist glowed blue. I lobbed the ball of flame into the air as high as I could.

Pegasus! He knows I'm an imposter! Watch out for Judas! I shut the mind-link just as King Zelrox let out a guttural roar.

"Judas, my old friend!" He boomed. "It's hunting season!" I knew why he hadn't communicated through the mind-link with the dragon; he wanted the betrayer to know that he was after him, wanted to strike fear in their heart. King Zelrox had no idea it was me, which gave me a slight advantage and the element of surprise, but it was a feeble attempt to reassure myself that I could win this battle. I could only hope that Rydel and Mum were waiting in the forest with Pegasus and would see my fireball.

I hobbled up a flight of stairs and slipped back into the castle through a door that had been left ajar by two soldiers conversing on the balcony around the corner. I was inhabiting a mortal's body, and my healing powers didn't extend to other people. No matter how much I didn't want to go back and face him now that his power was restored, I couldn't leave it for longer than seven minutes or the dragon hearts would be wasted. I ran a hand over my face and rubbed away the drying blood. My cap was gone. I was starting to get a headache, and my fingers were tingling. I flexed them in attempt to return the feeling to them. I'd never known the feeling of being mortal, but in that moment I hated it so much.

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