The Sun Children

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Gender and gender age: Zonlicht is a teen and above; female. Zonli is a kid and under; female. Zon is a teen and above; male. Zo is a kid and under; male.

Zonlicht Meaning: 'Sunlight'

Zon Meaning: 'Sun'

Also known as: They are also known as the 'Royals' or the 'Hunters'

Where they live: They live in the human's advanced city blending in as humans themselves.

Born: Midday on any day of the summer.

Abilities: Not a single human knows they are around, so they don't know their powers. It is fire, obviously, but at the same time, it isn't fire. They can create anything with their 'fire' and disguise themselves with it as well. They can shapeshift into a dragon or phoenix depending on rank.

Features: They look just like humans when disguised. When not disguised, their eyes are red-orange-yellow, red-orange, red, orange, or yellow. When not disguised, they either have dragon or phoenix wings. That confuses me a little bit. Very tan and very tall. Hair is very soft.

Their purpose: Rule over the world, get rid of humans, get rid of the Moon Children.


"Burning from the ashes.

They have arrived.

Disguised in human flesh

They have arrived.

Watch out for the flames that rise.

For they are here to destroy.

Don't be fooled.

They have arrived.

Look out for the fire.

Ash will come.

The piercing gaze.

Unblinking fire.

Monotone voices.


Unsmiling faces.

Pierce the soul.

The short hair.


Turn away from them all.

Get away from them.

Don't let them destroy.

What lies inside.

A demon within.

Get away from these monsters.

They are here for power.

They have arrived.


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