Chapter 3: There goes the Captain

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At this point, the cadets were just procrastinating. They've been doing various things around the barn, trying to avoid going inside the house.

"I think Captain Levi's having a bad day." Sasha said, now grooming her horse. Armin leaned his rake against the wall.

"This is stupid. We can't avoid Captain Levi forever! We should just go in, let him yell at us, then clean whatever he tells us to clean." Mikasa nodded in agreement.

Eren sighed, "I don't know guys. Something's off." Jean opened his mouth to make some retort but Eren cut him off, "more so than usual."

"That doesn't mean we can hide out here until Captain decides he's fine!" Armin argued.

"There's no point in hiding from an inevitable fate," Mikasa stated. Connie groaned and hit his head against the dirt floor.

"Maybe one of us should go in first. You know, to cushion the blow," Connie offered. Everyone looked at each other before their eyes settled on Eren.

"Wait, this isn't fair! You're all ganging up on me!" Jean shrugged.

"The Captain already knows you're a shitty cleaner. He's already yelled at you five times today about it. What more can he say that you haven't already heard?" Eren hated to admit he was right. Every time Captain Levi talked to him today it was to criticize his cleaning.

"Ugh, fine. But if he throws a bucket at my face or hits me with a broom, I blame you guys." Armin gave him a sympathetic smile as Eren made a move to walk out of the barn. When he turned around the corner he froze in his tracks. Stalking right up to him was the Captain himself.

Eren walked backwards a bit and Jean asked, "what the hell are you do-"

Captain Levi shoved right passed Eren and into the barn, making everyone straighten up. He grumbled something like, "get the hell out of my way" as he moved towards his horse's stall and swung the door open. Levi grabbed his saddle from the side and threw it over the side of his horse, and tightened the straps. He slid the bridle on his horse's face and walked her out of the stall. The moment he swung his left leg over his horse he kicked her and sent her galloping out of the barn.

"Where's he going?" Armin wondered out loud. Hange came running out of nowhere, papers gripped in her hand.

"Levi, you better turn that horse around this instant!" The horse continued to make its way to the wall. "Where the hell is he going?!"

"We were wondering the same thing." Connie said. Hange restrained herself from tearing the important papers in half, not realizing exactly what was in her hands. She glanced at them for a minute before remembering her previous intentions for coming out to the barn.

"Arlert." Armin looked up at her, slightly surprised when his name was spoken. "Can you make sense of these plans?" She handed him the papers. He analyzed them for a moment before hesitantly nodding.

"I think I can find a pattern within them. How long do I have?"

Without any thought she replied, "not long. As soon as you figure out enough to point us somewhere, let me know." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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