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Merida thought she was living in a dream. Higgs had come to save her, he had even used Scottish terms to tell off that sodding piece of shit Patrick, then she saw him burn him to a crisp? No, that didn't sound right... Or was it? Merida opened her eyes and moaned, feeling like she was held down by a bag of potatoes.
"Merida?" she heard a familiar voice say.
"Mr. Higgs?" she whispered.
A small laugh filled her ears as she felt a smooth hand touch her face.
"It's me... I finally found you."
"Aye, ye did lad...Edgar did what he was told then..."
"He's a good kid."
"I promised he could stay with us. I hope ye willnae mind..." she drawled.
Higgs chuckled. "He seems handy and I'm sure you'll find something for him to do... I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. I'm sorry that I... I thought for a moment that you left me."
"I was afeart ye would."
"But it was in the back of my mind... it wasn't until the month was over that it kind of... well..."
"I dinnae blame ye, lad. I dinnae blame ye..." She yawned. "I'm tired."
"You deserve your sleep."
"Then why am I blethering along with ye?"
She felt Higgs lay next to her and put his head on her shoulder. She put hers on his.
"I missed you, Merida."
"Aye, laddie, I missed ye too."
She felt him move and she looked up at him, frowning.
"What the devil's on yer head?"
Higgs looked up as his ears twitched. "Oh. Ears."
"What are ye now?"
"A kitsune... it's a creature from the Orient."
Merida frowned. "Ye curse run out of ideas?"
"Actually, I think so. There's only so much around here... and as for my ears, I can't get them to go back in because I'm so happy that I can't contain them."
As if on cue, his ears wiggled and Merida smirked.
"Well, at least I can tell what yer thinking now."
He put his hands over his ears, blushing.
Merida turned away and sighed. "Leave me be, boy. I want to sleep."
"Right... um... before I go though, there's something I'd like to give you. It's something no one's ever gotten from me, not even my mom or my sister."
"What is it?"
Higgs leaned over her and put his head down, kissing her softly. Merida smiled a little.
"Ye got soft lips, Mr. Higgs."
"I'm your familiar for the month now. I've never let myself be someone's familiar..."
"What's that mean for me?"
"Whatever you want me to do, all you have to do is say it and I'll do it."
"Hmm... sounds nice. An ye up for volunteering ye time, clean the house then." She said tiredly.
Higgs felt the pull of the demand and nodded.
"Of course."

Lucus knocked on the door and waited for Higgs to answer the door. To his surprise, Edgar answered it.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"I'm Dr. Graves... Higgs sent for me?"
"I'll go get him. You wanna come in?"
"I think that would be most appropriate."
The boy shrugged and Lucus tried to figure out where in the world he came from as he walked in. He closed the door behind him as Higgs walked out and Lucus made a face at him.
"What the devil are you wearing?"
"The Orientals call them kimonos or some rot like that. I find it easier to wear when I'm in this form. Tails and all..." he said, throwing his chin to said attachments. "Are you here to see Merida?"
"Yes... What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"What's with the duster?"
"Oh, Merida told me to clean the house, so I am."
Lucus blinked a little. "Al...right... Which room is she in? Her own?"
"Yeah, up the stairs and four doors down on the right."
"Why do you have those rooms if you never use them?"
"I did use them when I was alone; with Merida here, there's really no need for them."
"I see..."
"I have to get back to work. Do what you need to with her."
Lucas was very confused as he made it to Merida's room. She was sleeping soundly, her curly hair looking like it was going to be in knots when she woke up. She was snoring a little but Lucas gave her the benefit of the doubt in regards to no sleep and being tortured for a month. He walked over to her and pulled the sheet from her arms to try and get a look at the one that was in a sling. He had to fight with her for a moment until she actually opened her eyes.
"Oh, Lucas... I didnae realize I was playing tug-o-war with a real person..."
"I figured as much. How are you in regards to pain? The level?"
"Five. Bloody lashings hurt more than this damned arm."
"Is it out of place?"
"Will you be alright if I just put it back in? I mean, do you need a something to numb you?"
"No, just do it."
Lucas nodded as Merida turned over. He took off the sling and felt her shoulder for a second to find what direction it was dislocated in. He finally found it and put his hand on the back of her shoulder and his other hand on the front.
"You ready?"
"One, two, three!"
He used all his force to thrust the bone back in and Merida screamed bloody murder, her other hand swinging into Lucas' side for a good punch to the ribs. Lucas lost his breath and fell forward in shock. Seconds later, Higgs showed up in a flurry of tails and flames and narrowed his eyes at the two.
"What's going on?"
"He put my shoulder back in place and I punched him in the ribs." Merida said with red eyes from the pain.
"But you're alright, right?"
"Aye, laddie, I'm fine." She looked at him with a look. "What are ye wearing?"
"I'm not going to answer that every time... I'm going to finish cleaning the kitchen. Do you know what gets out burnt food from the catcher at the bottom?"
"An ye find the tooth-powder and mix it with a bit of water, it makes a nice paste that will scrub it off nice."
"Tooth-powder? Is that why we keep having to have that around?"
"Aye. One tube is for ye teeth and the other is to clean with."
"I see. I'll try that."
"Mr. Higgs?"
"Hmm?" he asked, his ears twitching a little.
"Why are ye worrying about all that nonsense?"
"You told me to clean the house..."
"Ye dinnae have to do it like spring cleaning an ye dinnae want to..."
Higgs smiled. "It's alright. I don't mind."
He left the room and Merida made a face as Lucas moved her arm about.
"He's gone daft."
"I think it has to do with his new form. Did anything happen recently to make him want to be so gung-ho for cleaning?"
Merida thought for a moment when she remembered his lips touching hers in a soft kiss. She blushed and turned away, hoping Lucas didn't see her.
"Nothing too out of the ordinary..." she said softly.
Lucas looked over at her and noticed her freckled cheeks were red and smiled, keeping his thoughts to himself. He'd have to ask Higgs later about what he did.
"Can you turn onto your stomach so that I can take a look at those lashes?"
Merida struggled but go onto her stomach and Lucas lifted her shirt. He removed the bandages there and looked over her mangled back. He tsked in anger but set to work in making sure the wounds didn't fester or get infected. Merida smelled whiskey and held her hand out behind her.
"Oi, can I have a spot of that before ye put it on my skin? Keep my nerves intact."
Lucas smiled and reached for the water glass on the table. He poured a good portion of whiskey into the cup and handed it to her. She took a small swig of it before she felt a rag dowsed in whiskey touch her exposed back. She held onto the glass tightly, trying not to scream in pain. It hurt like the devil himself were raking his fingers across her soft skin. The treatment was more painful than the actual act.
"You'll need to have this done at least twice a day for the next few weeks. Do you think Higgs would do that for you?"
"An he's willing to clean the house like I'm expecting guests then I ken he might not mind throwing good whiskey onto my back. Damn shame..."
"I'll make sure he goes and gets cheaper whiskey." Lucus said with a laugh. "How does it feel now though?"
"Now that it's cooled off, a lot better. This may seem like a bit of a step backwards but what about rubbing salt into the wounds?"
Lucus' eyebrow arched up. "You... want to actually throw salt onto these wounds?"
"Aye. It hurts like hell but it dries out the wounds and keeps them from getting infected. That's what saved my brother from dying in the Highlands. He was mangled by a bear in the forests and my other brother used herbs and the salt they had to keep him going until they could reach the village. The doctor said if he hadnae done that, he'd have been in the midst of a horrible infection."
"Not to say I don't believe you, but how did your brother even survive a bear attack?"
"He scrunched into a ball and let the bear dig at his back. My other brother shot it with arrow and drove it off."
"I see. Well, if that's what you want to be done, I'll let Higgs know. Or would you like the young eavesdropper to do it for you?"
A small gasp was heard as Lucus opened the door and pulled Edgar in. Merida sat up a little to look over her shoulder.
"I- I wasn't dropping any eaves, ma'am, honest! I just came to ask you a question and- and..."
"Oi, lad, yer haivering. Nothing was discussed that ye cannae overhear. What is it?"
"I was wondering if you wanted some tea or something... I'm... not sure what I should do now."
"Go ask Mr. Higgs. He's the one ye need to answer to."
"He's... I'm scared of him."
"Nonsense, he's harmless. Just tell him I sent ye to get something done. I'm sure he'll think of something for ye, lad."
Edgar bowed a little and Lucus watched him run off. He chuckled a little.
"Where'd you find that one?"
"Patrick was using him so I took him from him. That reminds me, does my memory serve me right or did Higgs do something to Patrick?"
Lucus cleared his throat a little. "That is um... up for debate."
"What do ye mean?"
"Well, Patrick claims that a large fox came and stole the Scotswoman away. He then attacked him and threw a green flame at his face that didn't burn him but did all the same. Then the fox grew eight more tails and the stars came down from heaven to blind him... at least that's what he was telling the judge when I was there."
"So off to Bedlam he was?"
"I think the words of his father were, "We shall have him sent to the spring home in York for some proper care and management. He has been unwell these past few months and a bit of new scenery should do the trick. We will hire someone to care for him in a proper manner.""
Merida laughed and turned over a little to drink her whiskey.
"Delightful... Makes my heart want to burst with happiness."
"I'll go and talk to Higgs about the treatment plan... I'm glad you're back, Ms. Dunbrough. You don't know how lost he was without you."
"I can believe it. I'll not do it again."

To Love A Myth - Book 1: Mr. Higgs and the Maid🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now