Chapter 26:

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Tony: I landed on the deck of the SHIELD facility. "Director on deck," the first SHIELD agent said.

"Visual?" another asked.

"Yep," the agent said.

"Hey boys," I said, "Is he giving you any trouble?"

"No sir," the agent said.

I sighed, "Well that's good I guess. Is it alright if I go see him?"

"Yes sir," the agent said. He led me to a heavy steal door.

"JARVIS, hold all global and suit data for the time being," I said.

"Noted," JARVIS said, "Holding all data."

"Can I have a minute alone with him?" I asked the agent.

"Yes sir," he said, "I'll be outside the door sir."

I nodded and walked in. He sat on a steel table, still wearing the tattered blue suit, the shield he used to carry dutifully rested over the wound on his hear, blood splattered over the patriotic paint.

"Hey," I said, "Heard you aren't doing well." You don't say Stark I could imagine him taunting back.

"They appointed me Director of SHIELD," I said, holding my helmet in my hands, picking at one of the long scratches on the face mask."Who knew right. According to the president I earned it," I said, sighing, "I don't think so. But I took the job anyway."

"Cap, I screwed up. I told myself so many time, even before this stupid war I wanted you dead. Now it happened, and all I wish is that I could pull back that bullet, give you back the life you had. But hind sight is always 20/20."

I swallowed hard, "You should have seen Tasha yesturday. She was so angry with me. And I fought against her, because I knew the things she thought were so terrible about me were all true, despite the way I wanted it to be."

I felt like he should have some little quip for me or something, but only silence followed my words. I took a shaky breath, "Tasha loves you so much Steve. And I couldn't see it as real then. And now your gone, and I'm losing her too. And Steve, never have I felt so alone."

"The world still needs you Steve. I still need you. Tasha still needs you!" I said, my voice breaking, "I want to see you wth my daughter. I just want to see her happy, and I realize that you can give her that, and I can't. But I'm realizing this too late."

"Do you know how terrible I feel. I killed you. This is all MY FAULT!" I shouted, angry tears coming down my cheeks, "How am I supposed to do anything for my world if I kill people the instant I see a chance. How can I ever get the friends back, now that I have your blood on my hands. Most of all, how am I ever going to get my daughter back?

"If I could take back every moment that has taken place since that stupid act appeared in front of me, I would. I would give away everything, the director name, the incredible scientific discoveries that were made, having my daughter choose me over you. I would give it all away if I could just have you back, my friends back, everything back to the way they were," I sobbed.

"And I would tell you these things if you were alive, but I know now I can't. And it kills me every minute, every breath I take. I'll never be able to take back that bullet. I'll never be able to undo what I've done. Its done, and I did it," I wiped a tear from my eyes.

"And there is one thing I have to tell you, but now I can't!" I shouted. I looked down at the Iron Man mask. Its expressionless face. I wished I could crush it, and kill Iron Man all together. Of course that would never happen. I had a debt to the world now. I had to repay it. I shook my head, tears flooding my eyes yet again.

"It wasn't worth it," I whispered.

Natasha Stark: ActWhere stories live. Discover now