Chapter One

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I'm trapped. I'm trapped. I'm trapped. Help me. What. Help. What is this? Why can't I open my eyes? I'm trapped. I want to open my eyes. Am I dead? What is this? Where am I? I'm trapped. Can't you see me? Someone, help me. What. Wh...


Life is all about moments. Good moments, bad moments, small moments, huge moments. No matter how good or bad they are, they're all just as important.

I still remember the moment I looked into those powerful, deep brown eyes, for the very first time. I knew, right away, that that very moment would go down as one of my very favorites.

Is it strange that I still remember every second? Well, I am strange, so it wouldn't even surprise me, if it was. I still remember how we bumped into each other, so movie-ish. I'm sure it looked like we were shooting a way too romantic movie. Followed by the very first look in her eyes, words can't describe how it felt, it still feels too good to be real. I looked into her deep brown eyes, and boom, I was lost. Lost in her eyes, lost in life. Oh, those deep brown eyes.

Before our wonderful meeting, I used to think volunteering was pretty boring. Turns out, it's a wonderful way to meet new people, new people, like Lea.

The funniest part is, that we met again, only a few months later at the first official reading for Glee. We bumped into each other, again, the exact same way.

We didn't really keep contact after our first meeting, which made me kind of sad. I felt like I had lost someone, I didn't even have. I used to fantasize about her, about things like her life. The desire to go look for her, and find her, kept growing and growing. Just when I was about to give up on looking for her on Facebook, Twitter, every other possible site, I met her again, at that reading. I still thank God every single day of my life.

Who knew I'd be the one, the special one, to look into those eyes, every morning.

The positive I am about her eyes, the negative she is about my eyes. "I don't trust green eyes. Green can not trusted. Remember the bad witch from Wicked? Mm, GREEN!" Typical Lea. I used to feel bad for a few seconds, after hearing those words, but not anymore. I'm used to it. I know she loves me. I also know she'll always love me the most, at least, that's what she says all the time.

Now it's my turn to show her how far my love and admiration goes. I, Dianna Agron, am about to make one of the most important moments in life. I, Dianna Agron, again, am going to ask Lea Michele Sarfati, to marry me. I decided to keep it a secret, it was hard, but worth it.

All that's left is picking up the engagement ring and make my way to our house. Can't be that hard. The waiting is hard though, at least, that's what all Lea's text show me. "Where are you?" "Dianna? Answer me!" "You're late!" "Don't mess with me, Agron!" I decided to ignore every text, I don't want to end up like Quinn.

Anyway, I'm so excited, too excited. Have you ever been so excited, you were close to peeing your pants? Well, that's exactly what I feel like.

The sound of my phone ringing interrupts my thoughts. Ok, Miss Sarfati, I'll answer the call, this time. I slide my hand into my bag and search for my phone.

After a few seconds I finally find my phone. I grab it and take it out of my bag. I look at the screen and smile, I knew it was her.

Well, she'll have to wait for a few more seconds, cause I have to come up with an excuse first. An excuse why I'm not at home, making her dinner, or listening to one of her 'see, this is what happens when you're not on set' stories.

It's funny how the weirdest things always seem to happen when you're not around.

Oh, c'mon Dianna, you're a genius, you're always the one to come up with excuses. I sigh softly while stopping the car. You'll have to wait a few more seconds, Lea.

Why does it have to be so rainy today? It's so hard to watch out for the cars passing me, when there are huge raindrops falling on my car.

I can feel Lea's frustration through my phone. I know she's frustrated, I know she is. She's probably going to tell me how much she hates, and loves, me. Lea Michele Sarfati. She's so special, and mine. Mine, mine forever.

I giggle by the thought and sink deeper and deeper in my thoughts, which makes me forget about answering the phone.

This is what happens all the time. Every time I start to think about Lea, I lose control of my thoughts. Lea, oh, Lea, I love her so much.

My thoughts get interrupted by the loud sound of a car honking at me, before I even get the chance to turn around my ears get filled with an even worse sound, a loud, loud, loud bang. Words can't describe how loud.

My head pushes itself through the front window of my car and my body loses its control. I have no idea what's happening to me, nor what happened. All I know is that my head hurts really bad, my entire body hurts. I'm in pain. Raindrops fall on my head and slide their way through my wounds. I can't move, I can't talk, I can't scream for help. All I can do is feel, and think about it. Think about the pain, the pain I can't describe. Why does pain always gets worse when you can't scream nor yell?

Footsteps are coming closer and closer and I can hear people panicking around me. "Is she dead?", "Check her wrist!", "Call 911!", that's basically all I can hear. I'm not dead, do something. Help me. Put me in a comfortable position, I'm dying from pain over here. I want to cry, but my eyes are way too dry, even though they're closed. My hearing slowly fades away, just like my thoughts, just like everything else around me.

The last thing I can hear is the sound of my voicemail, which means someone left a message. I want to hear it so bad, so bad, but I know I won't be able to. Is this what it feels like to die?

Voicemail message:

"Hey lovely lady, better known as Bambi Montgomery, better known as mine. Can you please answer your phone? I'm a little worried. I just called Ryan and he told me you left set 2 hours ago, so don't tell me you're still there, I won't believe you. Ha! You shouldn't have told me how to check your whereabouts, baby. Well, dinner is ready, your favorite Italian dish... I'll be waiting, with the candles on. Oh, and, by the way, one of the books you ordered came in, so hey, another reason for you to come home. Be careful. I love you, bye."

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