Playful | 16. Day Three & Four

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3rd day.

The beach within the village premises was conserved and off limits from the home owners and visitors.

Jeonghan and I took his private yacht to visit another island where we could swim.

As soon as he descended, a lot of girls have swooned near him. Little did he knew, I was watching him from the yacht's cabin.

He gave everyone a dashing smile and even laughed with them. Some were trying to hook on his arms and he couldn't even refused them. Maybe because he wanted the attention badly. Because if he didn't, he wouldn't join the girls wherever they went.

I hopped on the bed when he left on my sight. Jeonghan knew I wasn't the 'beach' person. I preferred pools over the vast sea. I'm afraid of the ocean. I didn't like to over view the sea on trips.

You could ask me to go swim for a short time near the land, but never bothered to ask me to dive, to snorkel, and to ride a banana boat with you.

I grabbed a novel book within the stand. Definitely, I would waste all of my time in this book.

But wait, why couldn't I use this time to get tan lines?

I changed into Jeonghan's shirt to cover my two piece underneath.

Good thing that he left me money, I could buy a shake for myself in stands.

Taking my sweet time with my mango shake, I found an irresistibly familiar figure walking in my direction.

He was brushing his wet hair while the water dripped over his naked chest.

Wait. Naked chest? He was wearing a shirt before he left!

Jeonghan raised his hand to greet me, but a woman blocked his way.

I didn't know if it was the summer heat but my temper scale has been broken.

"Hi, sweetheart. You alone?" The woman wasn't contented! She even caressed Jeonghan's arm!

I knew what's going to happen next. He'll walk away with the witch!

But Jeonghan turned his head to me and waved.

"No. I'm with my wife." He informed the woman politely before passing her.

Wife? I looked behind me and searched for the wife that he's saying, only to find myself alone in the bar.

My thoughts were confirmed when Jeonghan stood in front of me with a proud smile.

"Why did you tell them that you are my husband? We're not even dating." I muttered and rolled my eyes.

He laughed in my expression and took a sip of my mango shake using my straw.

"Your brows raised when you saw her touching me." He teased. I didn't know if it was actually true, but who cares?

"For your information, I don't give a damn." I pushed him away while I marched in with the raging summer heat. I must cool my head down at this instance or I'll die.

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