Chapter 4

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That weekend I had no work. So, I called my friend Kellie and asked her to cover for me. Which, of course, she did. Whenever there was a party she always covered for me. I only asked to be nice.

On Saturday, I took some money out of my savings account and headed for Victoria Secret, to pick up some lingerie. While there I ran into Taylor Collins. I tried to ignore her but, she came right over anyways.

"Hey Sky, I didn't think I'd catch you here, Ms.Virgin Mary"

"Ah, im sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. I come here all the time for things for Evan. "

I stroke a nerve, Taylor was always in love with Evan. She only fooled around with Evan hopping he'd leve me. Taylor quickly composed her face, trying to seem like nothing fazed her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot Evan was still dating you. Hmm... You know that would make a lot of sense though. That's probably why he forgot to say my name last night, and said yours instead. Oh, well.."

"Mm... okay bitch, im getting really tired of this shit. Okay. Evan doesn't like you. He will never like you, because you can't change a hoe into a housewife. And Evan dosent want a hoe. Got it? "

"Well, we'll see about that"

"I'm sure we will.", I answered back as I turned around to continue shopping.

After looking around, and trying things I on, I finally decided on something I knew he would love. His favorite color on me had always been black. So, I got a black lacey bra that hugged my books perfectly and a matching pair of panties.

After that, I went and got a spray tan, to have a nice golden one. Then, I headed to the nail and hair salon.

"Hey Adri.", I said as I walked in. Adriana was a family friend and one kick ass cosmetologist.

"Hey! What do you want done?"

"I want choppy, short layers, some acrylics, and then a pedicure. If that's not too much."

"No, it's fine. Come on, lets get you started."


When I got to Evans, I stayed in the car to get everything ready. While doing so, Evan sneaked up on me and opened my door. So, naturally, I screamed.

"Shh...",he yelled while laughing.

"Your such an ass", I said. Then I continued to get everything situated.

"Yeah, now what's with all this junk?"

"Junk? Well, if that's how you feel ill take all these bags or 'junk', as you call it and go home. "

"No no no no no.... Come on, here ill help carry them."

"Why thank you."

We headed inside and then I quickly ran into his room to change. When I was done me and Evan played video games.

"Hey baby?", i said getting hungry.
"Hmm? "
"How much do u love me? "
He finally paused the game and set down his controller to look at me. " What exactly is it that you want?"
"Some nummies? ", I said smiling as innocently as I could at him.
"Huh, alright ill run to Toco Bell quick and pick us up something. YOU stay here cuz after we eat im taking that sexy body of yours ."
I roll over and hug him, "Thank you!"
After he left I started freaking out.Holy crap. Holy crap. This is it. This is gonna happen. Im going to have sex with him. What if im not good at?
In order to try and ease my mind, I started going around and lightning candles. I set one down next to his bed and noticed he had left his phone and it was beeping. So, I decided if unlock it to make it stop beeping. I soon wished I hadn't. It was Taylor Colins texting.
Hey sexy when u stopin bye?
I couldn't stop myself, I started to read more. I can't believe this. They've been sleeping around. I'd say again but from the looks of it they never stopped. As I kept reading I could feel the tears running down my face. I sat there reading and crying until I here's his car door shut, then I got pissed. I got up and stood in his bedroom door waiting. I listened to him enter the house.
"Hey baby, I got you a burrito, where are ya?"
"I'm in your room baby.", I said calmly.
He walked over. "Oh, hey, wanna come eat?"
"Yea, um one second, just uh Taylor texted."
"Taylor Colins, she wants to know when you're going over there to fuck.", I said mater-of-factly. I could see the blood running from his face.
"I left my phone here?"
"Yea, yea you did. You know you fucking told me this shit was done. It doesn't look done to me!"
"OH BULLSHIT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE! !!! YOU KNOW WHAT IM DONE OK! Im grabbing my shit and im leaving. IM. DONE."
"Yea, I'm done."
He grabbed my arm as I went to reach for my keys. "Ow, Evan you're hurting me, let me go." He only squeezed harder. "You're done when I say your done. UNDERSTOOD? " I was starting to get really scared. "Evan please let me go.", I pleaded.
He pinned me up against a wall. "No, now you promised me sex this weekend and you can bet your ass I'm having sex." I started sobbing. The way he said it so calmly sacred me just as much as the statement itself. "No, please you don't have to do this!", I screamed in between sobs. He started taking my clothes off me. The whole time his hands holding onto me with full strength everywhere they moved. I could feel the bruises forming. All I could do was cry and beg for him to stop.
Once I was completely undressed, he dragged me by my hair and put me on his bed. He turned me around so he didn't have to look at my face. And then. He penetrated me. My sobs got heavier, and it hurt sooo fucking bad. He started screaming at me to shut up but i just couldn't help it.Eventually he got really pissed off and knocked my head so hard against the head bord, I blacked out.

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