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[soh-DAH-duh] noun

Origin: Portuguese yearning

a deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent

Pairing: Choi Seungcheol | Yoon Jeonghan

i swear it isn't even sad, the title is just too angsty for its own good. also, this is my first ever Jeongcheol fic

"Why did that stupid hat have to place me away from you?" Jeonghan grumbled indignantly as he and his best friend casually strolled along the halls. He glared down at his green tie and pouted. It wasn't fair.

Coming from pure blood lineages, the two boys were expecting more things in common when they had been invited to Hogwarts. However, things did not go as planned and Seungcheol thought Jeonghan's face looked comical when the sorting hat had placed the latter in Slytherin a few minutes after placing himself in what stereotypically was the rival house. The moment he was done, Jeonghan had stomped his way towards Seungcheol grumbling and pouting and looking so adorably livid that Seungcheol had to stifle a laugh that would most likely have set off the flaming brunette.

The pair had been best of friends for almost as long as they've known each other (their years in diapers didn't count since neither had a rationally-thinking brain, yet), meeting through the friendship of their mothers. Seungcheol had taken the job of being a guardian to Jeonghan after judging for himself that the younger was in dire need of assistance in almost anything. His clumsiness got worse once his prowess in the dark arts started to manifest seeing as he had even less experience in controlling that. Jeonghan, on the other hand, didn't pass up the chance of being pampered and swore to never leave Seungcheol's side when the said boy offered his proposal. And they have been inseparable ever since. Well, until high school, apparently.

Jeonghan let out a soft gasp when he was roughly pulled to the side by Seungcheol. The former had narrowly avoided colliding with a very stressed looking Chan who was rushing past people with a stack of books in his arms, completely obscuring his vision. Seungcheol had seen the boy coming, and had also taken notice of Jeonghan who was too busy subjecting his uniform to a fierce stare full of blame to see said boy. He had tugged at Jeonghan's sleeve without warning and maybe with a little too much force causing the brunette to collide against his side with a huff.

Jeonghan regained his balance and lightly pushed himself off his best friend before they continued walking in a much closer proximity. Clearing his thoughts, he turned to look at Seungcheol, going back to their conversation, or what seemed like his anger-laced monologue. "Can't we switch or something?"

"You know that's not how it works, Jeonghannie." Seungcheol laughed, successfully adding fuel to the fire in Jeonghan's eyes. This was a serious matter, why wasn't he more concerned?

"Of course, you'd say that," Jeonghan huffed and crossed his arms. "It's just not fair how you're in Gryffindor. I don't even care about not being together anymore," that earned a choked sound from Seungcheol. "It just isn't fair because you don't fit that house."

"Gee, thanks," Seungcheol spoke dryly after overcoming his embarrassment over the younger's words. "It's nice to know how much faith you've got in me."

Jeonghan bit back a smile at Seungcheol's sulky expression. Okay, maybe he exaggerated a bit. He could definitely see the Gryffindor in his strong, warm-hearted friend. Seungcheol was always willing to lend a helping a hand, always eager to take up a challenge, and often charmingly stupid for his own good. Jeonghan had once seen the three traits in action when Seungcheol decided to try and 'save' an old woman's cat when the feline had decided to climb a tree in his backyard. By trying to climb the tree the same way the cat did instead of fetching a ladder from the tool shed just a few meters away. He had to patch up the confused boy afterwards given the many scratches he was gifted by the black monstrosity, completely ruining Jeonghan's idea of felines ever since.

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