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[ke-REN-thi-ya] noun

Origin: Spanish

a place from which one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; the place where you are your most authentic self

Pairing: Kim Jongin | Do Kyungsoo

"Kyungsoo? What's wrong?" Chanyeol's voice broke through the silence of the classroom as he made his way in.

Kyungsoo merely glanced in the general direction from which Chanyeol was coming from before continuing to gaze out the window. Besides, he knew the guy was really directing the question to his best friend who was currently latched onto his left arm. Baekhyun sighed in frustration at Chanyeol, who was quick to put his hands up in surrender. The smaller of the two had been trying to figure out the answer to that very question for the past 10 minutes and had now changed his strategy.

Chanyeol mutely took his seat behind the duo before tapping Baekhyun's shoulder from behind. Baekhyun turned his head towards Chanyeol before resting it on Kyungsoo's shoulder. "He hasn't spoken since he came in."

"Why?" Was Chanyeol's intelligent response which earned him a dead look from Baekhyun.

"If I knew the answer to that, we wouldn't be in this predicament, now would we?" Baekhyun snapped at the oblivious boy.

"I mean, it's not like—" Baekhyun shushed the boy with a sharp hiss that had Chanyeol blinking at him curiously.

"Shh, you're distracting me." With that he turned his head the other way before once more falling silent. Chanyeol heard Kyungsoo sigh deeply and watched as his shoulders heaved up and down, bringing Baekhyun's head along in it's descent.

"Distracting you from doing what exactly?" Chanyeol spoke carefully after a few minutes of deliberation. He was aware that neither of his friends were having the best day right now, but his curiosity had to be quenched and he didn't appreciate being left out (even if it was the reality that he had to face most of his waking days).

As expected, he was met with silence. After two minutes of waiting for an answer, Chanyeol decided that the pair would eventually tell him when they got fed up of whatever game they were playing and decided to pass the time by aimlessly scribbling imaginary circles on the table using his finger. Just as Chanyeol completed drawing an imaginary wolf on his desk, the door burst open and in walked Minseok, Luhan, and Jongdae. The latter two had seemed to be chatting the eldest's ears off, but their boisterous voices trailed off when the atmosphere of the room enveloped them.

Minseok was quick to test the waters with a questioning greeting to the initial occupants, "Uh, hi?"

Kyungsoo lifted a hand in greeting and Baekhyun mirrored his actions. When the curious eyes fell on Chanyeol, he simply shook his head at them before flailing his arms and gesturing weirdly at the two in front of him. This seemed to confuse the trio more than the silence and Jongdae finally burst.

"What the fuck, dude?"

Instead of answering, Chanyeol continued to wave his arms around but was generous enough to use even bigger gestures. He ended by pointedly looking at Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. Chanyeol's ears flushed red when his eyes caught Baekhyun's. The latter had turned around at the sound of fabric rustling aggressively and now had his head tilted towards Chanyeol again, a bemused look on his face.

Sighing, Chanyeol turned to Jongdae before waving at the air in front of his face as if trying to erase his embarrassing moment (an addition to a constantly growing collection) from their memories. A fatigued 'never mind' left his mouth before another voice boomed from outside the room.

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