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21. In the manga, Haruka (Sailor Uranus) and Michiru (Sailor Neptune) have rings. They're actually promise rings that symbolize their vow to take care of Hotaru (Sailor Saturn)

22. Sailor Moon's Japanese name is Usagi Tsukino. In Japan, there is a legend about a rabbit on the moon who makes mochi. This is where Usagi's name comes from. In Japan, a person's last name comes before the first, so her full name is laid out as Tsukino Usagi. (Usagi means 'rabbit' in Japan) If you arrange Tsukino Usagi into 'Tsuki no Usagi', you get rabbit on the moon in Japanese.

23. In connection with the last fact, Luna uses the Sailor V arcade cabinet in Game Crown Center as a sort of 'command center'. To log in, she uses her code name, 0091. Her password was "the rabbit on the moon makes rice cakes" which was a reference to Sailor Moon's name.

24.  Another tie-in to Sailor Moon's Japanese name is that her belongings have rabbits on them. Her bedsheets have rabbits, her coats have rabbits...

25. In the Sailor Moon manga, each of the main Sailor Scouts have a castle. Mercury's is Mariner, Mars's is Phobos Deimos, Venus's is Magellan, Jupiter's is Io, Uranus's is Miranda, Neptune's is Tritan, Pluto's is Charon, and Saturn's is Titan. The castles' are named after each Scout's respective planet's moons, except for Venus and Mercury. Those two planets have no moon, so their castles' were named after space probes.

26. Even in the original Japanese language track, al the Sailor Scouts' attacks are in English. Using Engish was sort of seen as "hip" and "fashionable".

27.In the American dub of Sailor Moon, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were cousins. In the original Japanese version, they were two unrelated females in love.

28. Similar to #27, In the american dub of Sailor Moon, Zoisite was a female who was romantically involved with Kunzite. In the original Japanese version both were men.

29. In the original Japanese version, Fisheye was a dude who looked good in a drag. But in the American version, he was an actual lady.

30. The original English dubbed version skipped over episodes 2, 5, 6, 20, 42, 67, and the whole 5th and final season of the show.

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