~Coffee Shop~

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I wake up with a startle of my alarm. I turn over, the sunshine beaming over my face. I find my phone blindly, trying to turn off the alarm. I look at the time and see 7:30AM.
"OMG!", I scream.
I jump out of bed, wash my face, and brush my teeth. I grab my hair brush and throw it into my bag. I throw on a black mini skirt and white top, as well as some white tennis shoes. I grab my bag, keys, and run out the door. As I'm running down the street, I trip over someone.
"Hey, watch it!" I hear a British accent say as I get up and continue running.
"I'm so sorry!"
I cross the street and head into the coffee shop to start my shift. I quickly head into the staff room and put my things in my locker.  I look down at my left knee and see it's bleeding.
I quickly smear off the blood, clear off the dirt, and put two bandages over top. I tie my wavy black hair up into a ponytail and head behind the counter. As I'm taking someone's order, I see a cute boy outside of the coffee shop staring right at me. His hair is hazelnut brown and wearing a navy polo shirt and black pants. I look down to see what he's holding and I see my KEYS!!! He comes in and stands in line with the rest of the other customers. I finish taking the orders of the customers and it's his turn.
"Hi, what can I order for you?" I say sweetly.
"I'm not here to order anything, but I have your keys you dropped when you tripped over me", he says in his British accent.
"Right, thank you!"
He smiles, showing his dazzling white teeth.
"Did you follow me to work?"
"Perhaps", he says.
"What's your name?", I say softly.
"Robbie, Robbie Kay"
He looks at my name tag and smirks.
"Nicole, nice name. Hope to see you again!"
I blush and turn around towards the coffee grinder, hearing the bell, knowing Robbie had already left the coffee shop.
"Hope to see you again" I mumble to myself.

✨Hope you guys enjoyed my first imagine! ✨
If you have any requests, comment!
Do you want me to make a part two?
I'll be making another  imagine very soon!

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