MNT 02

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STRESSED. That's what you can describe the manager of SKY right now. Handling three giant babies is so stressful for him. It's like raising your own children to the point that you can experience postpartum depression.

"Yah! Park Chanyeol! Oh Sehun! Kim Jongin! Get up. Work your asses up. We have a meeting to attend! I did remind you last night but still.!!!" Chen shouting in the living room. He still can't sight the idols appearance because the three of them spent the whole night playing video games. Bag of chips and empty cans of beer are scattered in the living room floor. Yes they could be idols but these three has a maturity of a three - year - old "YAH! You brats!"

Awakened by their manager's early nagging. Chanyeol opened his eyes with a headache. Again. "8:30. Still 8:30" he muttered while rubbing his eyes. Throwing his legs out the blankets he directly went to the bathroom to shower up and get ready for the said meeting.


The four of them, Baekhyun, Luhan, Kyungsoo and Xiumin are seated in the other side of a long table inside the conference room of the company (ELYXION ENTERTAINMENT)

"So, it's already 10:15, why can't we start the meeting already? We are all here, what are we waiting for?"

"Baek, this is a collaboration project so we need to wait for the other party to start this meeting" Xiumin explained to them "What's taking them so long anyway, I did remind their manager for the time last night." Xiumin continued while checking his wrist watch.

"You didn't said that its a collaboration project hyung" Kyungsoo stated

"Didn't I? Maybe i forgot to tell you" Xiumim replied

"So who's going to---"

Luhan was cut off by the sudden burst of the glass door.

"Sorry Min, we are so late!"

The door wide opened revealing Three adonis-like men and Baekhyun guessed that it was these three men's manager is the one talking with Xiumin.

"Omg, omg Baek! It's SKY" Luhan whispered excitedly whith sparkly eyes. "Let me guess, that one with a cold looking guy is the one you stalk all day right? The poker face one" Baekhyun whispered back.
"Are we going to work with them, why are they here?" Kyungsoo joined the whisper club. Before the two could answer the three men infront of them took the seat at the opposite side of the long table.

"I'm so sorry if we are late. So I'm Kim Jongdae, you can call me Chen. I'm the manager of these dipshits right here" "HEY~ we are right here hyung" Jongin protested. Chen just rolled his eyes "Hi I'm Kim Jongin, known as Kai. Member of SKY. Whoo I made it rhyme" Kai bubbly introduced himself. He is the friendliest in the group, yet a playboy one.

"Tss shut it hyung, Oh Sehun here" Sehun cooly introduced himself with a poker face of course. Luhan can't help but to form a curved smile in his face. Well you know the reason.

"Park Chanyeol, leader. Wait, why are we even introducing ourselves I'm quite sure they know us" Chanyeol rolled his eyes. He is really not the friendly type. He noticed that a certain brunette eyed him till the brunette opened his mouth with a smirk. " So you are THE Park Chanyeol" he made sure to emphasize what he said. "Tsk" he replied. They locked eyes till a fake cough disturbed them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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