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“God-god of death?” I stammered staring back from the handcuffed god and the rapidly healing Chance.

“That’s me,” he affirmed with a weirdly nice smile,I briefly wondered if gods ever got braces. “Pleasure to meet you Xander,” he said attempting to hold out one of his hands to me.

When I just stared at him like he’d grown an extra head he backed away, “Nothing personal dude, you just creep me out.” I said rubbing the back of my head awkwardly. Though creeping me out did not cover how I was feeling. I'd just watched someone get murdered by a god then saved by the god that was supposed to be the Grim Reaper but was weirdly normal looking. I thought Death would have a skull face, black cloak and a scythe. He was just a normal Mexcian looking guy in jeans and a T-shirt.

“Fair enough,” he said with an easy shrugg. "Most people do fear Death, I'm not offended.”

“True," I agreed looking back and forth between Death and Chance again. "Now how do you two know each other?”

“Come on Xander, do you really think this is the first time I’ve almost been killed?” she asked me dabbing blood off her face with her sleeve. When I didn’t answer she smiled smugly. “That’s what I thought; now come on it’s only a matter of time before Ares tells someone our location.”

“Don’t they already know?” I asked indicating the storm clouds rolling in feeling pretty stupid. Chance had been running from the gods longer than I had. She had to gotten killed by now, just how many times I wasn't sure, but she was lucky to be friends with Death. Holy gods how fucking messed up is that?

“No, the storm was rolling in long before we got here; it’s just part of the weather patterns Demeter forces on Zeus. Goddess of agriculture you know; the most extreme of hippies.”

I made a face at that line and pretended to gag. “I almost feel bad for him,” I said recalling my own run-ins with extreme eco-nuts. They were horrible, going on and on about how cows put so much carbon dixoide or something like it into the air and how they were doing their part to help by eating non-animal products. My response just pissed them off, I said I was doing my part by eating the cow. “Come on, let’s get out of the rain.” We took off jogging down the sidewalk staying near street lamps, the road and fences that cut us off from buildings; the territories of three gods if my memory was right. The light was Apollo, the fences and buildings were the blacksmith god who's name and I dont' remember and the road was Hermes. Not as many as I'd have wanted but it had to cloud their vision some.

“Hey Chance since we’ve got nothing better to do, can you tell me how you escaped?” I asked spitting hair out of my mouth tasting every gross thing that was clinging to it nowadays.  I’d never let it get this overgrown before. I was still getting used to it and the fact that I hadn't had a decent shower since Alexa's place. Unless the rainstorm I got caught in a few days back counted, but I was pretty sure the lack of soap made it invalid. 

“Listen closely because I’m only telling it once,” she warned me as I nodded, excited. I was finally going to learn something about her past. “I was fourteen when dad ratted me out and I was thrown into Hell.” She spat out the word 'dad' like it was a ball of snot and I shuddered grossed out by my own thought process.  “Go on,” I said wondering if maybe this was hard for her to talk about. Maybe she’d had a really great life to be taken away from like I did. I knew it was hard to talk about my past, remembering everything I had lost really hit me hard. 

She scowled, “Don’t interrupt me! Anyways, we haven’t known each other long but I’m pretty sure you’ve been smart enough to gather that I don’t take shit lying down. So on my first week there I got in trouble with a Fury.”

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