Chapter 4

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The next day, Chloe took the whole family to work as her office was filled with dalmatians. Kali and the twins met Chloe's boss Agnes, who was delighted to have the dogs for company. 

Chloe soon opened the window after Big Ben chimed. 

"What are you doing?" Kali smiled playful at Oddball, picking her up from Chloe's desk. The tomboy had to admit Oddball was her favorite.

"And this is Domino" Agnes giggled, holding the puppy wearing the red collar. 

"Little Dipper's easy because his tail is exactly like his daddy's" Agnes pointed out before she glanced over at Oddball who was being held in Kali's arms. 

"And I know Oddball because she doesn't have any-" Agnes was about to say before Kali sharply shushed her with a bit of a scowled look. 

Chloe then said "I don't want to be sensitive about her lack of... S-P-O-T-S" she then whispered while covering Oddball's ears. 

"Oh" Agnes said. "Is that normal at her age?"  

"Well, like everything else about her" Chloe said while Kali placed Oddball back down on the desk. "It is a bit... odd". 

Oddball came over to the telephone and started pressing random buttons while everyone else giggled at her. The phone soon rang. 

"Hello? Hello?" a woman answered the phone. "Is that you Nigel?". Kali soon hung up the phone. 

"Can you take them up to your office for awhile?" Chloe asked Agnes to take the dalmatians. "Cause I just keep staring at them... and I'm dreadfully behind with my paperwork". 

"Yes, I can see" Agnes replied. "It's probably just as well with Miss De-Vil and her son coming in".

"Cruella?" Kali and Chloe asked, confused. 

"And Carlos?" The twins asked, shocked. The dalmatians ears perked up when they heard those names, seeming a bit nervous. 

"Y-Yes, she asked to change her appointment" Agnes told them before looking to Chloe. "I thought you knew". 

"Come on Oddball, Little Dipper, Marshall, Dipstick" Agnes called the 10 dalmatians into her office, and Kali and the twins quickly followed.

Agnes took the gang into her office and started playing a boxing computer game with Dipstick while Dottie, Kali, Lucky, and the others all gathered around and watched. Dipstick appeared to be winning, despite being a dog. 

"Nice shot Dad!" Domino barked. "Go Dad!" Little Dipper added. 

Oddball tried joining them on the desk, but was having trouble. 

"Guys... Let me see!" Oddball whined before she fell down. She tried barking to get her family's attention, but everyone else was too engrossed with the game.

Oddball soon looked at a mirror that was behind her, remembering she didn't have any spots like her parents, brothers, and all her other relatives did, which made her upset. 

Oddball then looked up, noticing a repair man working on the printer across the hall. As he worked, he rubbed ink on his pants, leaving behind black stains which then gave Oddball an idea.

Without the repair man noticing, Oddball climbed up onto the printer and started rolling around on some ink stained paper, getting some black ink onto her white fur. It now looked like she had her own spots.

"Hey Domino, Little Dipper, look at me!" Oddball called out to her brothers. 

Domino and Little Dipper heard their sister, getting both their attention. They came into the other room to see what she was so excited about. 

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