Cerbera Odollom

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Hanzo reminded himself as he resisted dropping down through the mat on top of the older man's head, bow drawn and ready to fight his way through the enemy to save his brother. He tried to see how Genji was being held captive, but it seemed that his hands were merely tied behind his back and a black blindfold wrapped around his eyes to keep him blind, and a white gag to keep him silent. With Hanzo being above him, and Genji sitting correctly, the elder Shimada couldn't tell if his brother's feet had been bound as well.

Hanzo narrowed his eyes, the knot seemed simple enough, Genji could escape on his own if he wasn't inured to badly. It was one of the skills that Genji came by naturally and often gloated about to Hanzo-who had trouble escaping such traps. If the younger Shimada had yet to flee, not because of the inability to-then there was something else keeping him here. Some outside threat promised to someone else.

Hanzo looked around the room once more, attacking from above like this would give him the edge of surprise, but it was also troublesome. He would have to remove whole sections of the mat and either hang down by his legs on the rafters to get a clear shot around the room or drop down and lose the high ground. He decided it wasn't enough of an advantage and retreated as far back to the house as he could, to the left of where he had initially climbed up into the attic. He dropped down just on the outside of party room-a small room perhaps meant to be a guest's room, hearing the men that were eating and drinking happily break into an old song.

At the rate they are getting drunk, Hanzo reasoned as he pulled the door open just enough to peek in. He saw the man's back and his handsome face as he laughed at something the Geisha said behind her sleeve, I could simply wait for them all to pass out and sneak Genji out in the cloak of darkness.

He watched as the young Geisha denied a drink of sake that the man offered her and how her eyes closed halfway, giving her a flirtatious and mysterious air. Hanzo did not need to see her lips to know she was smirking and saying something clever as the man roared with laughter, making Genji beside him flinch in response.

She could be a prisoner as well, Hanzo reasoned, if she is, I will try and leave an opening for her to escape as well. Hanzo sat back and removed an arrow from his quiver, nervously fidgeting with it by twirling it. Watching the Geisha flirt with the man made him miss [Y/N], and his longing was laced with worry. She had no doubt found the house, but he had not seen a single sign of her inside. Nor had he heard any conversation about any other woman as he listened to the bits and pieces of the conversation he overheard.

How long Hanzo sat there was lost to him, he had grown restless and was about to get to his feet and take a second look around the house when the man said something that caught his ear and made him panic.

"I no longer wish to share your company Kana, join me." The older man stood and held out his hand to the Geisha who stood gracefully and followed his lead to the room where Hanzo was hiding. Scrambling the young archer hid in a closet, climbing up on a shelf and pulling the door almost shut, giving himself a sliver of light and sight into the room. When the man and woman had stepped inside the room, the man started to close the door securely, and the woman stopped him, a fan hiding her face below her eyes.

"You would trust your prisoner not to escape when presented with such an opportunity?" She asked as the man turned his back to the door and shut it tightly behind him. Hanzo felt something wrong with the situation, and it was more than just Genji being left alone while a prisoner, this man did not have pure intention.

"Though he is the son of an enemy, he is a kind-hearted boy and would not risk harm to his beloved mother or brother for his foolish actions. He will stay put until I tell him to move," The man loosened his shirt and moved to sit by a small table, gesturing for her to sit directly beside him, close. They were facing the closet in which Hanzo was hiding, so he had full view through the crack as the woman sat down and the man wrapped an arm around her tightly. "How fortunate for me that you lost your way so far out into the woods." The man purred, his hand roaming up and down her arm as she kept her composure.

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