3. Dreaming of NOT him.

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In my dream I was falling, down to earth, I noticed I wasn't alone in my falling, there was a man with me. In a moment I realized Evron was falling with me and I stared, he looked strangely handsome, falling with his eyes closed, the wind whipping at his copper hair. Then the dream switched I was in bed curled around another person in my bed, It was comfortable till I realized what was happening, I then woke up hitting my head against my headboard and I curse. It was just a dream. Okay. 

Its Saturday, so I go and take a shower and put on some pajamas and then turn on Spotify and do some homework. Just kidding! I go onto youtube and play some random background video while I read for a hour or two, after I realize I'm getting hungry and go downstairs to my kitchen, and Evron. Is. In. My. House. "Evron! Why are you in my home when my mother isn't here!" I scold him. I quickly turn around the corner realizing my outfit is only boxers and a tank top. 

I sprint upstairs and get dressed and go back downstairs. "Explain yourself. Right now." I tell him as coldly as I can muster. He smiles and says "When we were kids I used to come over uninvited all the time!" he defends himself. I retort with "THAT WAS 6 YEARS AGO." He gives a obnixous shrug like he's saying "so what?" I just sigh and see he helped himself to breakfast. "If you are going to steal my food you could atleast do the-" the dishes are already done. I glare at him for being able to read my mind. 

He just smiles at my pathetic attempt at a glare. "Aww that was soo cute" he says. I hiss at him and make breakfast. Cereal! I grab the box of cereal and I pour the cereal in the bowl. I go over the fridge and look for milk. We are out. There was atleast a quarter of a gallon last night, more than enough for one bowl. I turn over to Evron. "Evron" I say as peacefully and nice as possible "did you finish the milk and not go to the store to replace it?" He nods. I THROW THE WHOLE FRIDGE AT HIM AND HE DOES EXACTLY WHAT I WANT.... I wish. "Go to the store right now." I say. He chimes back with "Or else what?" I sock him the gut and he crumples. He stands up nods and walks away.

30 minutes later I hear my car pull up and Evron with 2 gallons of milk. He puts both in the fridge. "Thank you Evron." I mutter as I pour milk into my bowl. He says "No problem" and I quickly turn and look at him bewildered. "You heard me mutter that?! you were like 10 feet away!" I complain. He just chuckles. 

After breakfast we lazy about on the couch, I yawn and stretch. "Tired are you?" Evron inquires. I nod and say "Had the weirdest dream, you were in it and-" I immediately stop myself, Evron does not need his ego stroked, for that matter he doesn't need anything stroked. Evron nods like what I just said was a totally normal thing and says "With or without clothes?" I shut him up with a pillow to the face and he just does a booming laughter. "What about you your eyes have dark circles" I say to him after calming down. He falls silent, after a moment or two he responds with "Shrug couldn't sleep was to busy thinking of someone." And I leave the conversation and go to my room.

Why? Why am I jealous! I'm not jealous. I just don't want to hear about his crushes or love life. That's it. Nothing more. Nothing less. I let out a sigh and go back downstairs, I ignore Evron and go straight to the fridge, what for dinner? Ice cream? No Evron would think I'm moping over what he said. So I heat up some leftovers from last night's pasta. I eat quickly and do the dishes then go back upstairs and strip my clothes off me and curl under my covers and fall asleep. 

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