2. The Beginning of A Storm.

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After school I hop into the drivers side of my 2011 Honda Civic, and I hear my car door open and, take a good guess who it is. It's Evron, I glare at him "What are you doing in MY car" I whine, not caring if he thinks I'm being petty. "I need a ride to your place for dinner, remember? How could you forget your favorite guest! How very bad of you" he says bad in a way that maybe I would enjoy it and it makes me shudder and almost kick him out of the car.

15 minutes down the road and it starts to rain, and then I hear the thunder and start shaking. I have a phobia of lightning and thunder, its terrifying. What if it hits me?! And I crash! I start breathing heavily and try and keep my eyes on the road, making sure the roads are clear. I look away from the road for a split second to turn up the music to take my thoughts away when I look up a bolt of lightning explodes the road in front of us. I quickly swerve to try and avoid the pothole made by the blast and I swerve into a ditch. The car is stuck, I'm trapped in the car with Evron, how GREAT is my luck. 

After a minute or two so we can regain our bearings we both agree to exit the car and try and find somewhere to stay nearby, like a motel or a hotel. Good think Evron brought his wallet I curse myself for forgetting mine. We walk 5 minutes up the road when we see a neon sign that says "Verdan Hotel, Vacancy - OPEN" we cannot believe our luck we quickly run inside, soaking wet from the rain and ask for 2 rooms for the night, the man at the desk sighs and says "Sorry, only 1 available room with 1 bed." No no no no no, this CAN'T be happening, why me?! Evron smiles and says "It's fine." A chill runs down my spine, is he serious?! No he can't be. But he's Evron the pervert! I have no clue! Am I wearing matching underwear? Why am I thinking about that.  Evron pays and we walk to my- our room in silence. Every time I glance at him I glare with all the hate I have in my tiny 5'5" body. 

He just continues smiling like he understands something I don't. I say out loud "I am NOT sleeping with you, Evron." I try and sound as menacing as possible but I don't think he's scared of me or intimated. He just laughs "We aren't sleeping here we just needed a place to get dry and call home, good to know you are thinking about sleeping with me." I blush and punch him in the shoulder. "We could have used the lobby phone we didn't need to get a room!" I angrily state at him. He just shrugs I immediately turn around and ask to use the lobby's phone and immediately call mom.  I realize my hands are shaking from the lightning when I put the phone down, what is wrong with me, its just weather! Weather that has killed. Shut up Airi. B!^%h you know I'm right. 

Sitting in silence in my mom's Honda Pilot 2015 she's clearly pissed I totaled the car but I can't tell her that it was because of lightning, I told her I was over my fear, she would start asking questions and- panic grips my chest but I appear calm on the outside, can't let mom or Evron in the backseat notice, once I get home I'll relax in a bath with scented candles! Except there is dinner with Evron and his Mom and Dad. The second we are home I run upstairs and go into the bathroom, strip off my clothes and take a shower to get the filth of Evron away.

After my shower I admire myself in the mirror, I'm not ugly.. I just have difficulty seeing myself as above average as everyone says I am, I'm so ordinary. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me when I feel some eyes staring at me, I turn around and see Evron down the stairs, I cover myself I glare at him. "Scumbag! What are you doing here! Dinner ended hours ago!" I yell at him. He just grins and says "I've missed your scolding but I wanted to say goodbye before I left, and I got rewarded with this treat." I start to say something but stop feeling heat crawl up my neck I stop myself before I embarrass myself more, I quickly go to my bedroom and lock the door.  

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