A New Friend

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I look into his eyes wondering about how much more horrible his childhood was. ("Oh man, his life is even worse than mine and he can stand through it like a man and act like it was nothing"). I wish I knew his secret.

I glance down at the wet sidewalk as light stream of rain becomes heavier, and before I could say anything, he says "Hey, take my umbrella, you'll be needing it to walk back home. ("Oh, a home, something that I don't have and where the heck did that umbrella come from") I look towards my right while having a long face that shortly becomes saddened with my right arm reaching for my left.

" What's wrong?" he says with a worrisome voice. "Well..... I used to have a home". " What! You mean that you're homeless". "Yes" I said with a very soft voice. "Well..... keep my umbrella anyways, you'll be needing it right about now". " Hey, come over here". He leans me back on the "Thug Life" Wall with his left hand between my chest and neck area like somebody is out to get me.

"Who's out there"? " Well there's this one guy that comes to this town once a month and kidnaps girls like you and is said that the "Terrence Gang" Tortures them and and kills their victims right after". I stand her obviously shocked worried, and freaked out, I say "so.... You're saying t.... That..... That they're in this area right now". " I'm not certain but I do remember hearing a footstep somewhere in the distance, it sounded a bit close, but maybe i'm just hearing things". ("I hope hes right about hearing things because I don't want to be that "one" girl that gets kidnapped").

He slowly lowers his hand while accidentally putting his hand where it should of not of been. "Umm, excuse me" "Bless you" "Um, I didn't sneeze, I was trying to say your hands were on my breasts" "Oh...., s-sorry" I roll my eyes to his response when he quickly moves his hand. ("Oh, no, the perverted kind").

Anthony quickly refocuses his facial expression from embarrassment to serious. "Hey you're safe now".("good grief"). "Are you gonna use the umbrella or what, I gave it to you to shield yourself from the rain, not to use as a accessory " He says with a jokingly smile. "Oh......, right " He rolls his eyes in a jokingly way and continues to stare at me.

I open up the black colored umbrella to shield myself from the rain and notice another body touching mine. ("Anthony?") I look up and see Anthony looking at me with a straight face that slowly turns into a smiley one and says "what, are my boy cooties too much for you". I let out a little "ha ha" and say "no, not even in the slightest". " Great" He says with his eyes squinting and a smile that shows the tops of his gums.

I search for my backpack and realized one thing, ("ah f***, I forgot to grab my backpack!)

Anthony automatically senses my tense signals being released from my body and says "what's wrong?" "I forgot to pick up my backpack from school, I'm such an idiot, damn it"."We'll somewhat sort this out one way or anothe......  "I can't the school is already closed for today"!

Anthony then suddenly swoops my body to face him and hugs me to try to release some of the tension from within me. " You'll get your backpack back by tomorrow, it'll still be there and also today is Thursday so be a little bit more grateful that it's not Friday, okay" ("honestly on his first impressions, he seems to be my most realist friend that I ever had, and that says a lot about my long-term friends").

I'm already liking this guy even more.

"Hey" I say while tugging on his long red baggy hoodie "are you willing to be my new... F.... Fr..... Fr.... Friend". (I say that nervously because for some reason it's hard for me to say that to anyone, for me asking someone to be my friend is just as hard as saying goodbye to friend that is now flying away on a plane to go to their home town). "Heh, heh, sure".

Anthony then again gives me that one look again to where he squints his eyes and the smile that shows the tops of his gums. I'll nickname it "Anthony's joy" Expression.

"Oh and by the way my name is Cindy, Cindy Jones if you're wondering" He opens his eyes and closes his mouth and says "oh so now you're more comfortable in my presence now, I see, well thank you for revealing your name to me. I was about to give you a nickname but I guess I don't need to because that name sounds way more beautiful than the one that I was gonna give you".

I blush slightly and give a light "thank you" towards his response that honestly flatters me, and brightens my day up a bit more. ("He's the greatest ").

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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