Chap 30

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(When Josh Was Young)

I offer no excuses for being a complete and utter jerk. I know what I am.

"Toughen up, Little Ooman, you're pathetic."

The Yautja that the oh-so-lovable Zales brought with him on the other hand were approximately 100x gravity more worse than I ever will be.

"S'yuit-de. Look at him, he won't even be a worthy hunt at this rate."

That's right, laugh you fucking bastard...(not that I thought that back when I was, what, 10? I was more like saying jerk over and over again in my head.)


God I hate that word. It means pathetic. Insignificant. That your crap. Pretty much sums everything bad in the world and throws it at you.

They'd usually start laughing at me then. There were three of them, and I'd be trying to glare them to death. Damn Yautja...

It was a sort of alpha male thing they had. Me being a human boy, not brought up like they were, almost a mama's boy in reality it made me easy Pickens.

I'd never say anything, they'd always be pushing me and messing with my hair.

But Sophie...

"MAMA! Mama! Zalesys saids im super strong!"

She spent way to much time with them...

It was like she was oblivious to the fact that they were freakin aliens. 'Course, they never bothered her. Hell, I'm sure Zales even forbade his little guards from doing so.

Sophie was practically ballin her eyes out when they had to go.

When those Yautja vamoosed I was the happiest little camper in the world.

"What are you doing?"

She looked up at me with her innocent eyes, not a care in the world.

"I'm drawina wedding dress, I'm gonna merry a Yautja!"

That was sorta the last straw.

I hit her heard on the head and gave her something to cry about.


My life after Zales left for good was finally normal at best. I lived my life like any other teenager, no freaky-ass alien stuff, complete normality.

Sure. My "jerkiness" became more of a habit than anything else, but that was normal too. In fact, I think I actually forgot about everything Yautja related. Aliens were nothing but science fiction.

And then...he came.

I was running home after Sophie gave me her key, a quick check of my email was due, and I was also thinking bout locking her out just for kicks.

I barely had time to head for my room when I saw the destroyer of my life.

"Holy Shit!"

I jolted back, nearly knocking over the lamp.

Six foot something, mesh body armor, long black dreadlocks, and a mask that screamed 'I'm a superior bad ass alien that can kill you if I want to and you better know that'.

Yeah. Definitely Yautja.

I had a thousand and one questions going through my head and I was pretty sure he wasn't gonna answer them. In any case, this was my house damnit, and the first thing you gotta do with Yautja is make sure they know that.

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