Shell Beach Guyana

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Tweak was carefully driving along the Atlantic ocean heading to Shell Beach Guyana.

Guyana is located in South America, North west of the equator. It borders three countries; Suriname, Brazil and Venezuela and borders the Atlantic ocean.

Its name in Arawak meant "Land of Many Waters".

Which meant lots of Rivers, Lakes and Waterfalls. Parts of Guyana is home to exotic wildlife and Sea creatures.

Where tweak was headed was in the Barima Waini Region near the Atlantic Ocean.

When the GUP X Surfaced, Tweak was amazed at what she saw.

There were shells along the brown sandy beach.

She also saw Four kinds of turtles; Leatherback, Hawksbill, Olive Ridley and Green Sea Turtles.

"Oh Me Oh My!!"

"It's like a family reunion out there, I hope I can find Sandy in a whole beach full of sea turtles".

"Wait a minute i can",

"I gave sandy my friend finder".

Tweak activated the friend finder tracker and got her friend's location.

"Okay Tweak, Let's carefully park the GUP X and go surprise my friend".

Sandy and her 100 young turtles which hatched a few months ago, were busy decorating their side of the beach in different patterns with shells, leaves , rocks , stage lights and flood lights for later on.

There was also a big stage near the shore of the beach for people to come on stage and perform for her party.

"Okay kids we're finished, now go look for some food ,drinks and snacks for tonight, a lot of guests will be here".  Said sandy examining their work.

"OKAY MAMA!!", they yelled and walked away in different directions.

Sandy sighed to herself, "If only Tweak were here......

"Someone called my name??"

Sandy turned around to see her young friend Tweak Bunny grinning at her.



The two friends embraced for what seemed like eternity.

"Happy Birthday Sandy!",many happy returns for today and all the best on your 100th Birthday;

"The rest of the Octonauts send Birthday Greetings too".

"Thank You Tweak" said Sandy jovially.

"Give the Octonauts my thank you ok"?

"You got it sandy" Tweak replied.

Tweak put down her back pack and sat down near her friend and the two started chatting up a storm and were munching on carrots.

Sandy showed tweak some other parts of the beach where some turtles were nesting and laying their eggs, some were looking for food and others were relaxing.

Tweak also saw a conservation site where some Scientists and Rangers were hard at work.

They returned to the spot where sandy was staying and 100 young turtles were waiting on them

The Octonauts:Tweak's Day Off.Where stories live. Discover now