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this takes place 10 minutes after last chapter

Angel: I have an Idea lets play until dawn


slenda: come on y/n it'll be fun just think about as hide and seek but until dawn

y/n: and how long will that be?

L.J: from 11pm to 6am

Y/n: NANI...ok I need to take something so I wont get tired and fall asleep under the bed or something

then sally hands y/n a grey box with some type of pills

sally: here take these they keep you awake for 8 hours

Y/n: what about you

Sally: oh I've taken so many that I forgot what sleep feels like

Slenda: the same goes for all of us

Y/n: wait so all of you took these pills too stay up all night long

Slenda: that's right y/n

Then y/n takes the pill and feels like he just had 4 tall glasses of coffee and feels awake and alert

Y/n: are we going to do this or what

Slenda: are you ok with this if see you we WILL kill you but if you can stay alive untill dawn we will give you a "present" won't we girls

Angel: yes

Sally: yep

L.J: ohhh most definitely~

Clockwork: ohh yeah

But then as y/n mentally prepares himself for the thrill of his life he walks around and finds a hospital like corridor y/n walks further and finds a woman in a black and red nurse outfit and with an eye patch and asleep laid back in her chair snoring then y/n finds a black sharpie marker under her hand

Y/n: ohhhh this I'll be fun

Then as y/n slowly removes the marker from her hand opens the cap and drawing lots of dicks on her face then Benny walks by

Benny: hey y/n are you ready 'cause slenda is~woah y/n your bold

Now y/n places his index finger on his lips

Y/n: sssshhhhhh

Then Benny starts whispering

Benny: y/n are you ready to play untill dawn creepypasta style

Y/n: *inhales deeply*...*exhales deeply* yeah I'm ready

Then as y/n and Benny make there way down to the foyer

Slenda: ok is everyone ready

Everyone(including y/n): yeah we're ready

Then as slenda claps her hands together y/n was teleported to a luxurious mansion y/n could tell this wasn't creepypasta but it was adequate lighting a home theater and warm fireplace exotic rugs and charms

Y/n: hey this is kind of cool without all of the blood stains in the wall

Then their is a spinning light like the ones on cop cars, right above a door then it opens y/n runs out and see about 7 other people are running out

Y/n: alright I got to find somewhere to hide

Going forward you see three places you could hide...

1.) A cabin: chances of being found 25% (all places)

2.) Under the docks: chances of being found 25%/chance of hypothermia 67.8

3.) In a dumpster: chances of being found are 25%

4.) Up a tree: chances of being found 25%

As the sky turned blood red and the crows were flying in circles y/n knew the horrors had arrived

-----------------if you went with #1-------------

As y/n runs into the cabin and hides in the closet then another person has the same idea but gets under the bed then a few minutes go by y/n can already hear the screams of his friends getting killed , tortured , electrocuted , burned to a crisp etc, then y/n and his friend that was in the cabin heard this raspy and horse voice

???: ready or not here I come

Then as the door breaks open a small female's shadow looms over the entrance then comes in slow and menacingly

???: y/n I know your in here I can smell your fears from here oh how I love that smell...it gives away where you are that's what makes this so much fun~

Then out of the peep hole in the closet y/n the slasher was SALLY?! But as y/n just realized this Sally flipped the bed over that y/n's friend Luke was hiding

Sally: oh your not y/n oh well but another one GONE!!!!

Then with out warning sally drives her switchblade through Luke's heart y/n can see the fear in his eyes and his life force draining rapidly then Luke's body becomes lifeless and drops to the ground inert, unresponsive,...dead.

Sally: 6 down 1 to go

Then as sally walks to the door opening the door and seemingly walk out and close the door behind her then as all seems quiet y/n slightly opens the closet door just enough to look around to see no one y/n steps out quietly once he is fully out of closet he turns to the left he finds Sally crouching on top of the dresser then jumps down grabbing Y/n by the neck tossing him against the wall y/n collapses then Sally gets on top of y/n and takes out two switchblades and stabs y/n's hand penetrating his hand and into the floor beneath y/n as he takes all the pain its almost too much for him and he passes out

---an unknown amount of time later---

Y/n slowly regains consciousness  to find himself lying on the ground, nude and Sally on top him it was kinda weird cause y/n always though Sally as a little sister he never had but y/n used to look up incest lemon fanfic and was into that for a while

After Sally had her "fun" with y/n Sally pulls out the infamous switchblade cutting his neck and watching him bleed out...

Endings 1 out of 4

----------if you went with choice #2----------


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