Chapter 1: Potions Class

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"Billie, come on we have to do this." Anastasia nudges me again, more forcefully this time. I snap out of my embarrassment induced daze only to see the other students already working. I slowly stand, Anastasia behind me, and head towards the ingredients pantry. My hands naturally guide themselves to the correct ingredients. Shrivelfig, porcupine quills, sopophorous beans, and wormwood. I grab a sprig of peppermint at the last second. Without our ingredients in hand, we sit down and begin working.
"I know the shrivelfig goes first." I say, adding it to the cauldron. Anastasia adds the porcupine quills next. "Now we stir it four times anti-clockwise." I stir our mixture carefully. One wrong motion could cause an extra stir to occur.
"What's that for?" Anastasia points to my peppermint. I pick it up and drop it into the cauldron.
"Peppermint is supposed to counterbalance the side effects." I add the sopophorus beans as I reply.
"Which are..?" She asks.
"Nose tweaking and excessive singing I think." Last I add the wormwood. "Six times anti-clockwise." I say more to myself than Ana. As I finish the last careful stir, the liquid begins to turn a bright yellow color. It starts to smell wonderful. Anastasia and I view our work with judgemental looks, both of us being perfectionists by heart. "What do you think?" I ask Ana.
"I think it's the best we could've done without instructions." She answers honestly.
"I think you're right. Hopefully he isn't too disappointed in me." I bow my head, remembering the events from not so long ago.
"Who? Slughorn? I don't think it's possible for him to be disappointed in you, Billie." Ana reassures me. "Look around. Everyone else is still struggling." I look around the room at my classmates. Various looks of concern displayed on their faces as they attempt to brew an acceptable Elixir.
"Maybe they're just being extra careful. I don't know, I feel like I rushed it." I ramble, trying to find any excuse not to acknowledge my potion abilities.
"You're too humble for me." Ana chuckles, and leans back in her chair. I shake my head at her and continue staring at my work.
"I expect your potions to be finished soon." Slughorn announces. "Sunshine yellow and aromatic smells is what I'm going to be looking for. I expect greatness from my advanced potions class." He warns. Ten more minutes pass before he speaks again. "I will be coming around to check your work momentarily." I wait patiently as Slughorn grades my other classmates' potions, approving and disapproving looks a prominent feature. "Simon, would you mind telling me why your Elixir happens to be dark green?" Slughorn asks, standing over the now anxious Ravenclaw.
"W-Well sir..I honestly don't know." The boy bows his head. His failed potion bubbles loudly in response. Other students try to hide their laughter as Slughorn grades him.
"Must've stirred clockwise instead. D." Is all Slughorn says before approaching our station.
"Rough." Ana whispers to me before he reaches us.
"Alright you two, let's see yours." Slughorn peers into our cauldron. The curiosity on his face soon becomes a look of approval. He pulls a small glass vial out of his robe pocket, and pours some of our elixir in it. Without saying another word to us, he turns to face the classroom. Did I do something wrong? "This is what you lot should have made. I expected better of you advanced potions students. Have I been to lenient with you?" Dense lines appear on Slughorn's forehead as he eyes everyone. The class stays silent, uncomfortable with his change in tone. I sigh in slight relief. Slughorn spins around to our table again, placing two more empty vials in front of us. He eyes our station suspiciously. "And just where are your instructions, Miss Elphick?" He asks. Every head in the class centered their gaze on me. I felt their eyes burning into me as I attempted to speak.
"I-I.." I start.
"You...?" Slughorn waits patiently for my answer. His eyes soften to show me that I'm not being punished. "It's okay. You can tell me." My fellow classmates' eyes were sinking into my soul, making it difficult to talk to the professor that I have been best friends with since I started attending Hogwarts. Sensing my discomfort, Slughorn faces the classroom once again. "I can't believe you all. Did your parents not raise you to have manners?" He makes his way to the front of the room. I could hear my classmates murmuring about me.
"She didn't have instructions? What the fuck?" A Slytherin whispers.
"Bloody impossible." Simon pouts. His green potion seemed to be laughing at him.
"Class is dismissed. Miss Elphick please stay afterwards. I'll deal with you lot tomorrow when I have had time to think of proper punishment for this lack of ambition and manners." Slughorn's Slytherin values always present themselves in his lessons. The other students rush out of the classroom without another word.
"I'll see you at dinner, okay?" Anastasia places a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, everything is fine."
"How do you know?" I ask.
"I just do." And without another word, she was gone too. The silence in the dungeon classroom was unbearable. Slughorn motions for me to follow him into his office.
"You wanted to see me, Professor?" I make my way over.
"You seem more like yourself already. Please sit, Billie." He waves his wand, and a chair slides under my legs.
"You know I don't do crowds." I laugh, already feeling more comfortable. My frizzy curls fall in front of my eyes.
"I know. I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that." His expression softens. "Now, would you mind telling me why you didn't have instructions today?" My cheeks heat up. "Don't worry, I'm not angry. I'm more-so impressed. Even being my best potions student, this is a new level. I wouldn't expect you to need ingredients for something like a common Sleeping Draught, but this is..." He trails off, his face riddled with admiration. For me?
"We spilled ink on them, and Ana cleaned it up, but also accidentally cleaned our parchment also." I explain, my Hufflepuff nature directing the conversation away from me. Being put on the spot by Slughorn reminds me of my own sorting ceremony. Being fourteen, I had no idea what was in store for me at this brand new school. Being a half blood is something my parents warned me would be a problem, especially during this troubling time. He Who Must Not Be Named is at his all time high. Every other day we get wind of another attack. The school tries to keep it hush, but it's hard to keep the fear out of everyone's hearts as we try to focus on our careers. We worry about our families who don't have the safety of an enchanted castle full of master wizards who protect us. My parents chose to live in the muggle world, to protect me and my sister. My father, a muggle man, met my mother in a very unfortunate way in fact. My father was leaving his day job at the local courthouse, interning under one of the legal counselors. It was late, as he had a last minute meeting to attend. Being far from the bus stop, my father decides to step into a nearby public restroom. My mother was leaving her day job at the Ministry of Magic around this time, and just so happened that her favorite exit was already in use. Having to use an unfamiliar exit, she accidentally appears in another restroom. It just so happens that my father was in the process of using said restroom. Overcome with shock and fear of a beautiful woman coming out of the toilet, that he just pissed on, my father faints. My mother being too kind takes the man home, and the rest is history. Shortly after I was born, He Who Must Not Be Named started to rise in power. He gained new followers left and right, preying on the weak minded. My mother had begun teaching me Occlumency ever since she noticed I was magical. I was told that Death Eaters use kids' weak minds for information on where their parents might be hidden, and that is why it was so important for me to learn. My mother, a former Gryffindor, was not afraid of what might come, but determined to keep her family safe through it all. The Ministry announced in 1962 that all Hogwarts students had to be at least fourteen years of age before being able to attend. This would not affect current students, but starting immediately the new order would be put into place. All prospective new arrivals would have to wait three more years. The Ministry explained that they believed eleven was too young of an age to begin studying the dangerous and difficult subject. The ever present threat of Him also factored into the decision. Many people believed their kids were unsafe being away learning magic while still so young, their growing minds easy to manipulate and control. Others noticed a slight maturity gap that can only be gained through age and experience. This gave wizard children the chance to be kids again. A mix of outrage and approval came from wizarding citizens all over following the new order. Protests littered the streets of wizarding communities across the United Kingdom. People believed that the Ministry was robbing their children of their early education. The citizens could not see reason. Soon the outrage disappeared as those people realized the threat of Him was all too real. Wizarding families began to prefer the new law, as they could keep their children closer for longer. I was only a year old at the time of the change, so I do not know what it was like before this law. It's now 1979 and I am twenty years old. This will be my sixth year at Hogwarts, and I plan on becoming an auror. I want to avenge my mother. I want to take from them what they took from me when I still so young. The only people who know my plans are my father, Slughorn, and of course Dumbledore. I haven't told Anastasia my plans yet, as I'm afraid she would see me differently. No one here really knows anything about the real me, and I prefer to keep it that way. I'm afraid of what might happen if they knew.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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