Part 1: The Meet

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Our story begins at a little home in the city of the Galra. A family is having dinner. The youngest daughter is outside looking at the stars, for you see this family was poor and could not afford any toys for the children to play with.

Krolia, which was the child's name, always sought adventure, power, freedom. But unfortunately she had none. For her family didn't have freedom, her parents didn't let her wonder far, and the power was to the war men fighting around their home. It was like an endless war for them. They couldn't escape. The war kept the family in this place. No escaping the endless bloodshed, until the war ended. But only on the outside, the family was still poor and couldn't afford much food.

Yet they still made it through the rough times.

~35 Years Later~

Keith, Krolia's only son a very thin but lovely looking man, was heading into town for Krolia had fallen ill and Keith could not do much. So he kept himself busy by doing what his family had done for generations. Dancing, mainly ballet. Keith self taught himself, since his family couldn't afford lessons. He was walking by the shops in his regular clothes, torn pink ballet shoes, black shorts and ripped at the sleeves, gray shirt.

"Get your berrys" and "Metals of all kinds!" were shouted from the marketing people trying to sell their items. Keith had to ignore them though, getting the medicine was his main task.

He heads to the health marketing area, were he stops in front of a shop with the label Lovers health.

He soon walks into the shop when he was greeted with a small robotic cat at his feet it had the label "Rover" on the side of it.

"Welcome Keith!" a voice had said to him. "Morning Pidge." keith said seeing the small gremlin wearing their green sweater with a bakers cloth over it, they were behind the counter separating some pills into different bottles.

"You here for the Meds?" They asked "Of course" Keith Replied "How is she doing? Are the Meds helping her?" Pidge had asked "Yes they are keeping her awake for now." Keith said grabbing the bottle out of Pidges hand and hands Pidge the money in his other hand.

Pidge takes the money from Keith's smooth hands. "Will I see you around town today?" Pidge asked Keith. "Maybe, i won't stick around long if i do, i still have to take care of my mother you know?" "Ya I understand." Pidge says "You should show the town more of that fancy dancing again sometime. The kids love it! And plus it draws more attention in this area, that means more customers!"

"Of course, don't get your hopes up Gremlin.' Keith says with a smirk on his face. "Goodbye"


Keith walks out of the shop with the pills and starts to head back home. As he was making his way home he sees guards searching for someone. "If you see this man," One of the guards said holding up a picture of Prince Lance, who was a tall Altean boy with all the riches in the world, had run off again. "Report to ANY guard in the area! That is an order from your king!"

~Keith's POV~

The prince ran away again? I thought to myself. Why would someone run away from a house of luxury like that? I would kill to live in a place like that. Taken he isn't aloud to go outside or mingle with many others.

But now's not the time to think about that i need to get to my mother.

~3rd POV~

Keith starts to walk to the outside edge of the city when, Bang, someone had ran into him. When Keith's eyes focused he looked to see the stranger, it appeared to be a tall cloaked man. Keith was unable to see the man's face, but from their voice he could tell it was a man.

"Sorry! Sorry! Here," He said holding his hand out,"Let me help you up!" Keith hesitates but grabs his hand and he pulls Keith off of the dirt ground easily.

"Again I'm sorry!" The man repeats. "It's.... fine." Keith tells the man scanning his outside view. "Are you... leaving town?" The man asks pointing to the outside gate in which Keith was heading."Ah, yes I am."

"May I walk with you?" The man asks. Keith thinks for a while but then accepts the mans offer. The start to head down a path it witch Keith it familiar with, sense he has walked it over 100 times.

After a while the cloaked man spoke up "so... what is your name?" "My name? It's Keith... what about yours?" Keith asked. "It's ....." he took a while to respond before saying "Blue, my name is blue."

"Okay Blue, yell be a bit about yourself." Keith asked. "Well... there's not much to tell. Iv been locked up all my life. No freedom. No hope of getting away.... so I just... ran, I ran as fast as I could... but I know that it won't last for long. They'll find me and I'll be reaped in that god afull place."

Keith kept silence for a while "I'm so sorry... I hope you find your peace of life, and they let you go." "And you?" Blue asked. "Me? Well I come from a VERY poor family. My mother got ill about five years ago. And she hasn't got better... actually," Keith's voice starts to crack and tear up, " she gotten worse.... and I-" Keith stops talking. Blue puts his hand on Keith's shoulder "I'm very sorry..." "it's alright. It happens" "ya know once I had a mother," Blue said "she was the light of our lives, she would always find a way to make us laugh." Blue and Keith keep talking and talking until they reach Keith's house. "And then Pidge said 'I already fixed that!'" They both laugh as Keith steps up to the House. "Well this is the end of the line." Keith said. "I hope to see you again." Keith says to Blue "heh don't bet on it." "Goodbye Blue." "Goodbye Keith."    

~ I hope you liked the first part to my story! I really enjoyed making it and it might be a while till the next chapter so sorry for that.                                                                                                                                   Word Count:1039~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2018 ⏰

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The Poor Ballet~klance~ Based off of CinderellaWhere stories live. Discover now