Chapter 3

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        I'm not speaking to my brother. To think that he would expect that of me is disgusting.

I guess I should explain what happen. Our lovely little phone call went something like this:


" Hi Matty"

"Hey uh I gotta talk to you about something"

"Go for it I was just about to watch a movie"

"Well cutting to the chase, I don't want you communicating with anyone from One Direction"

"what happen?"

"it doesn't matter just don't"

"why not?"

"I don't think it's a good id-"

"can you answer one of my questions?"

"Violet just listen to me"

"No, I want to know why this can be a great opportunity for me they wanted me to write a song"

"It's just not"

"I asked why"

"Can't you just take my word?"


"Violet stop"

"why Matty"



"I don't trust you around them!" 

"what do you fucking mean by that"

"I mean that I don't think you can handle it if one of them-"

"who do you think I am?"

"Vi, anyone would do the unthinkable for fame. I've seen it happen before and theres already rumor articles"


"I'm just looking out for you"

I hung up at that point. I'm absolutely fuming. My brother could be unreasonable at times but he wasn't even cautious about it, he flat out told me that I would throw myself at whichever one offered.

I have more respect for myself than to do that. I looked at the time and realized that Jesse's birthday party was in an hour. Willow was cooking so she was already there. I couldn't ditch or I would never here the end of it.

I called a cab and blasted my ears out until I pulled up outside Jesse's house. I rang the bell and Zach opened it immediately shoving a drink in my hand and leading me inside. As we came around the corner, Jesse lit up with a smile.

"Violet! You're almost on time for once" "Oh shut up" I laughed bumping his chest with the bottle of wine and card. He pulled me into a hug swinging me back and forth. Matty caught my eye over his shoulder and the smile on my face faded.

He finally let go and held me by my shoulders, eyebrows furrowed. "you alright?" "yeah, happy birthday" I managed a smile and wiggled out of his grip joining Zach by the bar. I didn't know 90% of the people here.

After awhile I loosened up and started to meet new people. We mainly chatted about music and our relation to Jesse. I met a girl who said she was his cousin, Tally, and she was nothing like him. High pitched and preppy.

She was in uni and looooved her boyfriend Nathan who looked miserable. I got up to get a drink and offered to grab them some. She looked at me like I murdered someone. "Nathan's father is an alcoholic!" She literally screamed standing up

. I hadn't realized that shes nearly 6 foot and me at 5'7 was having a hard time keeping my shit together. "I-uh-" "Maybe you should be more considerate next time" "I didn't know" "apologize"

Someone's arm fell over my shoulders, "wooah whats going on?" "Jesse she's being so insensitive" He looked down at me, "what did you do this time?" "I asked if either of them wanted a drink"

His head shot back up to Tally. "who are you again?" "I'm your cousin!" She took off grabbing the boy off the sofa and out the front door.

"Thank you" "I wasn't gonna let you get beat up" "I could of taken her"

We both burst out laughing, "you got the look but not the muscle baby doll" "best compliment of my life" I felt something cold splash and drip from my neck down.

"Ooops!" I turned to see a blonde in a leopard print dress holding a empty glass. "I didn't see you there" she laughed switching her gaze to Jesse. "oh happy birthday again!" she smiled so wide her pound of foundation wrinkled.

"yeah thanks Chloe" Jesse mumbled leading me away with his hand on the small of my back. "Lets get you a clean shirt" He opened the door to his room and flicked on the closet light. "take anything you'd like"

"that statement is the last thing you would want to say to me, I'll steal half of your wardrobe" I walked in and tapped my chin."hmmm what will look not 100% ridiculous"

"lets see" He came in and looked around. "Ah, here" Jesse reached up above my head grabbing a tshirt.

He stared at me for a minute, his eyes darting wildly scanning my face. Before I knew anything was happening, his lips were on mine and the tshirt was the last thing on my mind.

The kiss progressed quickly and began to get more intense before a voice rang out from the hall, "Jesse mate we gotta sing you happy birthday!"

I pushed him off and stood up straight recognizing Matty's voice. He appeared in front of the closet. "what are you doing?"

"I was uh just getting Violet a shirt, someone split a drink on hers" He handed me the shirt locking eyes again before following Matty out. I quickly changed into the shirt and walked out to join in fake singing.

I couldn't concentrate and everything seemed to be moving in fast forward. I made my way to where Willow, Jesse, and Matty were standing and wished him a happy birthday once again before rushing outside and calling a cab.

Once I was back in the flat, I checked my phone to see I had a missed call. Without looking at the number  or time I called back.

"Violet?" Liam's voice rang through my ear, deeper than usual. "Yeah, you called?" "yeah, about seven hours ago... it's 4AM are you alright?"

"sorry fuck go back to bed" "you're sure you're okay?" "sorry i woke you goodnight"

I hung up and slid down the wall staring at my feet for awhile. I started to cry, and I cried, and cried, and cried with no reason for it.

I didn't stop until I fell asleep right there on the cold tile floor. I woke around 6 and dragged myself into bed and fell asleep with a full face of makeup and my jeans halfway off.


A/N: this chapter took awhile because i was having trouble formulating my words and how exactly to play out the whole phone call/jesse hook up in the closet... whoops. The boys will play a much bigger role in the next chapter so stay tuned, it's about to get good mwahaha :D x

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