Chapter 10

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A/N: school started and I barley had time to write all apologies. If you don't know, Louis is Matty Healy's younger brother's real name lol sorry if you get confused.


I sighed pulling myself out of bed and into the shower in which I rehearsed how to go about talking to my brother. If I didn't call him a matter of hours he would barge in here like a bat out of hell.

When I returned to my room Liam was no longer in bed. I pulled on a sweater before tackling the knot that was my hair. There was a clicking of the front door and Shadow came running in, Liam close behind.

"Hey, he looked like he was gonna wee himself" I laughed picking up the yipping puppy at my feet and walked into the kitchen. "want some tea or something?" I pulled down two mugs from the cuboard as he followed me.

"Coffee, please. I have twenty minutes till I have to take off" He sat down infront of me at the breakfast bar. "Sure thing" I brewed a cup and set the kettle to boil for myself. "Hungry?"

I opened the pantry and turned to him, "I've got pop tarts, english muffins, aaaand," I opened the freezer pulling out egos, "frozen waffles" He laughed and shook his head, "you're such a girl"

"hey I'm trying here!" He chuckled again, "an english muffin would be perfect, can you hand me the creamer?" I slid it across the counter and popped two english muffins in the toaster.

"Peanut butter?" He squinted and stuck his tounge out as I pulled it out. "you know what mr. beans and toast its fucking delicious" I took a large scoop on my finger and shoved it in my mouth. "you're gonna choke" he rolled his eyes as I struggled to swallow.

"no I'm not" I mumbled trying not to laugh and grabbing the muffins out of the toaster. The kettle whistled and I poured myself a cup of the hot water and stuck a tea bag in it before putting the muffins on plates, mine with peanut butter and his with butter.

"You're missing out dude" I sat down next to him and he rolled his eyes again. Once we were done with breakfast I threw the dishes in the washer and sighed.

"It's probably time I head out love, duty calls. Cute glasses by the way" He flicked the lens and i frowned. "Hey I can't wear contacts all the time, my brother awaits my phone call" I wiggled my phone leaning against the open door and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"call me later" "yeah I will" He gave me a quick peck before setting on his way down the hall. I shut the door and sat down on the couch preparing for the phone call I had to make.

I dialed the number and he picked up within the third ring. "I'm already on my way to your house." "What if I wasn't home?" "Violet, it's ten am you wouldn't be anywhere else" He hung up and I sighed setting the kettle to boil again, maybe tea would keep him calm.

The door opened and a snowed-on Matty appeared. "well hello stranger" I stated sarcastically. "It's fucking mental out there" "Tea?" I stood up walking into the kitchen and grabbed another cup.

"Anything but mint" he glared at me as I pulled out my box of tea bags. "Louis is coming, Willow's dropping him off." "God, Matt!" "what? I think he should know whats happening."

"You didn't have to bring our little brother into this. If you're going to yell at me about Liam go ahead because it isn't what you think."

"It always isn't what I think now a days with you."

"Matt he's been helping me the fuck out because you have been causing me to freak the fuck out almost every fucking night and I can't fucking handle us fighting like this! Yes, I slept with your best friend. No, I didn't think about it when it happen, If you're here to bitch at me for finding someone totally different than the assbags I've been with before then you can walk out that door right now because I'm sick of it. I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up of a sister for you!"

Heart Out // Discontinued [Liam Payne]Where stories live. Discover now