(Y/N) Discover his Semblance

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6 months later (Y/N POV)

It's been six months since I awake and start the new relationship with Mom and my sisters .Dad and Uncle Qrow return from Mistral after the failed search for Aunt Raven the two ask me apology and I accepted it despite I don't remember anything for what they did.

During that time time My sisters and sometimes Mom come to my room to sleep with me which I don't mind it and when I was around they act Overprotective to me one time when we in a park with Yang and Ruby a group of bullies start attacking a Young female Rabbit faunus I defend her but eventually the bullies attack me and beat the crap out of me until Yang arrives and beat the bullies and I heard Yang brake the bully leader legs (Yes I know she not Nora but) the Rabbit faunus arrive thank me for protecting her and sorry that you are in a state. After that I was injured again Mom and sisters nursing me sometimes they act like a nurse with costume and treat me my Mom treat my wounds and become even more motherly .

Also we have new member of our family Zwei a Corgi he's cute cheerful and Playful personality. Right Now Me,My older sister Yang and little sister Ruby playing fetch with Zwei.

Yang is the one who holding a frizby a

Yang: Come on Zwei and Fetch

Yang toss the Frisbee and Zwei catch the Frisbee and gave it to Yang

Yang: Good work Zwei

Ruby:Hey Yang can I play fetch with Zwei now?

(Y/N): Come on Yang it's Ruby turn.

Yang: Ok here you go Sis

Yang gave the Frizby to Ruby

Ruby: Come on boy and fetch

Ruby Toss the Frisbee but she throw too much so that Frisbee land and crash on the tree.

Ruby: Oops I get it

(Y/N): Are you sure Ruby the tree is tall.

Ruby: Don't worry big brother I can climb trees

(Y/N): Just be careful Ruby

Ruby nods and she climbed to the tree and reach to the top where the Frisbee is. She get the Frisbee

Ruby: I got the Frisbee guys

When all of sudden the tree branch snap which Ruby fall

Ruby: Ahhhhhhhhhh

Yang/(Y/N): RUBY

Me and Yang try to catch Ruby but Ruby fall to fast I close my eyes to Ruby impact but when all of sudden it's quiet when I open my eyes and see Yang running in slow motion while Ruby falling in slow motion.

(Y/N): What in the world? Why are they slow motion and why-- oh right Ruby

I head to the spot where Ruby will fall and I wait to catch her.

(Y/N): Now how to return back time?

All of suddenly they speed return to normal and I catch and crash Ruby

Ruby/(Y/N): Oooooowwwwwww

Yang: Ruby (Y/N) Are you ok

(Y/N): Yes Yang we're ok I stand up and help Ruby stand up

Yang: Also(Y/N) How do you teleport?

(Y/n): Teleport?

Yang: Yes you were behind when all of sudden you in front of me and catch Ruby

(Y/N): Well I close my eyes because I don't want to see Ruby crash landing when I open it I saw You still running and Ruby falling in slow motion so I head to where Ruby will Crash and catch her.

Yang and Ruby are shock right now.

(Y/N): What?

Yang: You need to explain to mom

I nods

Ruby: Come on Zwei let's go home

The three of us including Zwei head home

(Timeskip) (Y/N) POV

We finally reach home and see our Mom finishing cleaning the house

Yang: Mom

Summer: Yang (Y/N) Ruby your home

Yang: Mom we need talk is about (Y/N)

Summer: What's wrong with (Y/N) did he something wrong?

Yang: No (Y/N) you explain

I Nod and I explain what happen Summer was shock and amaze

Summer: I see (Y/N) you unlock your semblance your semblance is Slow motion it can slow time during combat and save your friend

(Y/N): I see mom

???: Well well well look like kid has a slow motion ability

All of us look where the source of the voice and see Uncle Qrow

Summer: Qrow How long you stand here

Qrow: Since (Y/N) explain his slow motion ability. Well (Y/N) you have slow motion I suggest we should train him to be a huntsman.

All of us Shock

(Y/N): Me train as a huntsman

Qrow: Yes kid

Summer: I reject Qrow I don't want myson to be a huntsman because I don't want him to be hurt Injured and killed.

Qrow: I know Summer that why we trained him so he won't get injured and killed

Summer just sigh and she look at me

Summer: (Y/N) Do you want to train along with sister?

I think about it whether or not I train and become a Huntsman

(Y/N): Yes mom

My mom sigh

Summer: Ok Qrow we will train him but one condition

Qrow: Anything Summer

Summer: Don't hurt (Y/N) Too much in training if you do I will angry and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry

Qrow is nervous and sweating bullets

Qrow: Ye-ye-ye Yes Summer

Summer: Good and also kids we will have Fried Chicken and Watermellon on our dinner tonight.

(Y/N)/Yang/Ruby: Yes Fried Chicken

After that Summer head to the kitchen to make dinner while me thinking about the training with my sisters.


So let me know what your thought also I will skip the training and head to your weapon I decided to change the weapons instead Sokka Meteor Sword I change to flyssa thanks to DontWorryAboutIt02 . Also I make not 1 but 2 chapters in one day.

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