The Unnoticed

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Have you ever been invited to somewhere you didn't belong?

Faces stare at you but none if them can think of a word to say.

So you sit and smile.

But we all know on the inside you would do anything to not be there.

After a while you start to get hungry, but are too afraid to eat in front of these people.

These people which you have nothing in common with.

So you sit and smile, and say you're not hungry.

Everyone starts to get into the pool, everyone but you.

You're not comfortable and are afraid you will be judged by your peers.

So you sit and smile, and lie that you forgot your bathing suit.

It starts to rain and you are told that everyone needs to go inside.

20+ people are squeezed on one couch and the host puts a scary movie on, you hate scary movies.

So you sit and smile, and unnoticeably use your phone to distract you.

When you've had enough you call to be picked up early.

And when you leave no one notices, because no one cares.

So you sit and smile, and say "what a nice party" the following day.

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