Chapter 8

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"Founded in 2027, HAASIX is the sixth of eight amphibious military academies worldwide. The Harlow Series is a government funded privately run program that intends to groom the most effective soldiers worldwide and create a force for good. Harlow soldiers do not fight for their country, they fight for the world.

"This initiative commenced after the uprising of internal non-state actors. We saw numerous incidents involving citizens revolting against their own people, inflicting high casualties and causing deaths, in the name of idealised concepts. We found that internal militaries had neither the state-of-the-art resources required nor the ability to isolate and destroy this new enemy. The Harlow Series has been created with the primary focus of fighting the battles that governmental militaries are unable to fight themselves."

Ever since Harlow's debut against the ideologist group, Gaia, the corporation has been shrouded in controversy. It is open source knowledge that Harlow will use any means possible to improve the fitness of their soldiers. The use of steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs are not exempt. When you think about it, it makes sense. To face an enemy, soldiers need to achieve their best possible form. If steroids are the difference between life and death, Harlow believes their use is justified. Most people are inclined to agree. We aren't training to win a competition, we are training for survival. The main cause of uncertainty in Harlow amongst the civilian population is the idea that a pseudo-military group can act without the authority of a government. But in the few years since they opened their Series, Harlow has proven that their methods are effective, and exactly what the world needs.

The authority required to initiate any action within a governmental military detrimentally affects their ability to achieve results. Harlow bypasses that, creating a tempo that the insurgents struggle to match. Despite this, Gaia is growing, and the need for Harlow soldiers is growing with them.

"Here at HAASIX, we train soldiers in five major disciplines: fieldcraft, weaponry, communications, tactics and navigation over land, air and sea. These disciplines are taught twice over; once in the field environment and a second time in the urban environment. The urban program is high-paced and focuses on an insurgent enemy. If you do not pass the first phase of the program you will not continue on to the second phase. There will be no exceptions. 

"Everything you do at HAASIX will be closely monitored. We have cameras posted around the base, and the feeds are watched by a security team. Unless prior approval is granted, non-Harlow members are not to be brought on to the base.

"Although you are in training, most of the base is for permanent, fully-qualified Harlow soldiers. The boundaries provided to you must be adhered to while you are still in training. If you graduate, those boundaries will be lifted.

"You will be allocated a section. This is a group of eight people consisting of four to six trainees and two to four Harlows. The pre-existing members, or Harlows, will be moved into your blocks with you. As they are qualified, they are permitted to move outside the boundaries. It is in your best interest to become close with your Harlows, as they will be your character references when we determine who will be staying for the second phase."

She looks up from behind the clipboard. Her nose, though petite, bends to the left at the end as if it has been broken and put back in place incorrectly. It doesn't suit her strict attire, as it causes her glasses to sit lopsided on her face.

"I am your commanding officer. My name is Major Lee but you will call me Sir. If I know your name, then you have either done something very wrong or very right. Although it is unlikely, I hope for your sakes it is the latter. This is Staff Descartes. If you have any problems from now on, you will talk to him."

I don't think anyone is particularly eager to approach Staff with all their problems but by giving him a name he seems more human.

Major Lee looks up tucking a strand of straight black hair back into her bun and straightening her glasses by pushing them further up her nose. She radiates disapproval.

"Are there any questions?" She isn't giving off welcoming vibes. Even the unaware can sense it. Yet still, a hand shoots up behind me.

Sir raises an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Ah sir," a male voice pipes up. "Why are you wearing sneakers?" Everyone turns to face the brave, lanky boy with black hair and patches of freckles. He is oblivious to the atmosphere and calm in the face of a fire. I sense Sir's anger surge, but she conceals it well. The boy is not ill-intentioned, just curious, and I am lying if I say I'm not interested in the answer myself.

She barely turns away in time for me to miss her dark eyes roll. When she looks back over her shoulder at the boy, she stares him dead in the eyes.

"Practicality." Her cool tone breaks the silence. Major Lee spins on a heel and marches off in the direction of HAASIX Headquarters.

Staff Descartes steps forward, towering over us. "Back to your rooms," He says, "Be back outside with your water bottles in two minutes."

We start to run towards the blocks, but Staff calls out from behind us. "Matteson, Norman! You come here." We stop in our tracks. Matteson looks at me with his eyes wide and lips pressed into a thin line. I shake my head, accepting our guilt. "Casey, you too. Follow me". The freckled boy turns eagerly and follows us back to Staff.

Major Lee glances over her shoulder at the three of us as she disappears into the distance.

So much for anonymity.

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