Episode 16: Pride and Love

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Date: 5th October, 2002- 12:00 PM, at the cafeteria. Ulrich go to the cafeteria with a very bad mood, he take the tray, take the food and go sit in the table at the corner. Odd come to talk to him

- Odd: hey man, what's wrong, you don't like mystery meat?

- Ulrich: go away Odd, i'm in a very bad mood right now

- Odd: ok, ok, but... can i have your lunch (*Ulrich nod*) Thank!!!

- Maya: what wrong with Ulrich?

- Odd: oh, you know, his regular self, by the look of his face i could tell that he is very mad at someone right now (*raise eyebrow at Yumi*)

- Yumi: me? I didn't do anything... we didn't even... fine, i'll talk to him later.

- Emma: hey Maya, let go shopping after this

- Maya: sure, you wanna come too, Aelita?

- Aelita: well, i...i...

- Jeremy: sure, you girl have your girl night out, Edward and i have work to do anyway.

Monty walk into the cafeteria, he wink at Yumi and she smile , that action just cause Ulrich to loose control but he calm down. He come to talk with Monty

- Ulrich: come with me to Lyoko after lunch

- Monty: what a mission, cool, i'm in

Ulrich get out then go around school campus to find Edward, he walk pass the library and spotted him, he tell Edward to go with him to the factory. Edward find it convenience for Ulrich to tell him to go to the factory, he need to use the supercomputer to decrypt the code. Monty finished his lunch then go to the factory

- Monty: hey, where's Ulrich?

- Edward: in Sector 5, come on, he is waiting,(*Monty step the scanner*), Scanning Monty, virtualization.

Monty spawn in Sector 5

- Edward: ok Ulrich, where is Aelita or Maya? You said they will be here right behind Monty

- Ulrich: no, i lie, but i have a score to settle, *Charge at Monty*

- Monty: *block*,hey, what are you doing?

Ulrich use Super Sprint to run on the wall following the path to attack Monty, he kick out then spinning attack on Monty. Monty summersault back. He tries to block Ulrich incoming attack, Ulrich triplicate and rapidity zoning on Monty.

- Monty: alright, i don't want to do this but you force me to,*Hands on fire*

Monty strike back, Ulrich attack but Monty catch his sword then push him back, Monty blasts some fire ball, Ulrich blocks and slices them. Ulrich triplicate again, 3 of them split up then concentrate attack, Monty use Fire Shield, it release a small blast but enough damage to defeat the clone. Xana then activate a tower on the Mountain Sector

- Edward: alright, that it! I'm gonna rematerialize both of you, (*error*), not you again, XANA!

Edward call the team for help, they said they will be at the factory in 20 minute, only Yumi show up first.

- Edward: Yumi, it's Monty and Ulrich, they are fighting each other in Sector 5, while XANA have activated a tower

- Yumi: send me to Sector 5

- Edward: but XANA...

- Yumi: forget about him, the other can take care of him but only i can stop them.

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