Chapter 2

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You know what you have to do. This is over. No it's not. When this is over, I'll sure as come for you and kill you.


The voices in the hospital room whisper.

Will the process hurt her. It can't, it won't be worth the risk.

There is minimal risk, but we have to make her remember, maybe she knows something he doesn't. Besides she has a right to know.

I know she does, but willl she want to remember?

I hope she does.

When I open my eyes, I see two men in the room, the same ones from yesterday. I found them staring at me. "Hello Scarlett, so we haven't had a proper introduction. My name is Tony Stark and this here is Dr. Bruce Banner, you may recognize us as Iron Man and the Hulk or as we call him, the other guy."

Tony and Bruce. I can remeber that. "I don't know who that is, why do you guys have silly names, Hulk, Iron Man, what do you do iron clothing?" They laugh, but they exchange worried looks. "Anyway I want some answers." I say in the most demanding way possible.

"Oh yeah," Bruce starts,"We have come here to escort you to the meeting room, we're going to have a meeting, and you'll get all your answers." Finally I don't like not knowing.

"Don't worry it won't be boring, I've put pictures in there so you're good." Tony says. They lead the way through the halls. This place is huge, I couldn't find my way out of here even if I tried. The other people here keep staring at me, constantly looking my way.

When we arrive at the meeting room, I see some new faces and an old one to. "Maria! Maria Hall." I run over to her and give her a hug. Everyone's eyes are wide. "Scarlett, you remeber me. How?"

"I don't know, you're just so famailiar. I can't exactly say were I know you from, but I just know you." She smiles at me, her eyes almost watering up. "Do you mind letting me sit next to her?" I say to a man with blonde hair. He nods and moves over to what was supposed to be my previous seat.

"Okay let's get this thing started," Fury says,"We all know Scarlett here, but first introductions, I am Director Fury, Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, and Maria Hill." I give a small wave and scan my eyes around the room, everyones looking at me. I think I'll never get used to these stares.

"First, Mr. Stark has put together a presentation about Shield, which is the orginazation you are in right now's history. Then, Mr. Banner and Ms. Romanoff have put together a short video that might refresh your memory." I stare intently at the projector screen on the wall. I see people, Hydra, Shield, Captain America, Bucky's supposed death. I see everything. I look back at Bucky and find him looking at me, quickly looking down once we had made eye contact.

Next came the video. I saw New York, the Chitauri, Loki, Thor, and I also see pictures of us. All of us we're smiling and laughing, I think Clint was lying on the groud and Tony who had jumped on top of him. I knew these people, but I didn't know them.

This was so complicated, how could I know someone, but at the same time have no idea who they were.

"Do you have any questions?" Fury asked. I noticed that no one had said a word, made a comment throughtout the entire presentation. "Many, but how am I supposed to get my memories back, I mean is there some kind of treatment or am I just going to live without a huge part of my memory."

"We have set up a treatment for you which you'll start tommorow, I'll explain the rest tommorow, this must be so much for you." Fury said.

"How much time have I forgotten?" I asked, that question had been bugging me for the longest time.

"You were missing for two years, but it seems that you don't remember about ten years worth of memories." Fury told me. Ten years, ten years of my life that don't exist. "If that's all, then your free to go." I nod and head for the door. I notice that no one else gets up, maybe they're going to have a meeting without me. I stop just outside the room and can make out quiet voices.

A man walks by, but I quickly recognize him."Coulson! Phil Coulson. I know you." He turns towards me and gives me hug. It feels nice, to know someone, it feels safe and warm. "Hey kiddo," he says, "I heard you were back, but I thought you couldn't remember much about anything. I just got back from a mission."

"I can't. For some reason, I can only remember you and Maria. I don't know why." He frowns"well I have to run, I'll try to go by and visit you as soon as possible." I nod at him, sad that he's leaving so soon. I go back to try listening in to the meeting room's convevrsation.

"NO FURY YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU CAN'T FORCE US TO JUST GO ALONG LIKE THIS. I REALIZE HOW HARD THIS MAY BE FOR HER, BUT DON'T YOU THINK IT'S WORSE FOR US. KNOWING THAT ALL THE MEMORIES AND EVERYTHING WE'VE EVER EVEN SAID IS ALL GONE. She may not remember us, but I just can't forget her." Steve yells at Fury, wait what? Out Steves comes, his face bright red, his eyes so bright with anger, that he doesn't even notice me.

"She's different you know," says Clint.

"Yeah I know."

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