Chapter 15

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Now that Zoe and I have made up I have no idea what to sing. I can't beg for forgiveness when there's no one to forgive me. I look throughout all of my books and can't find a thing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing at all. I throw my pencil across the room in anger. I turn around and stare at the mess I made. Papers litter the floor bottles of god knows what lay about. Remy stored her potions all in my room and I never had the heart to put them elsewhere.

"Might as well take a look," I sigh to myself as I pick up some vials. Invisibility. Transformation. Growth serum. Age potion. Why would she make an age potion? I pick up the glass tube with a dark blue liquid in it. I turn over the label to find the details. "Adds two years to your age" is states in her large handwriting. I need to talk to my sister about this. She should know that this will cause problems. I set it down next on the desk next to my cup of tea. Bianca always has been an advocate for blue tea. I stand up and walk to find Remy.

I walk down the hall with music filling every thought of my head. I try to work out what I need to change in each other them to fit a party. I can't even fathom what everyone will think. Too caught in my thoughts I run into Bianca and land on my butt.

"What are you doing out of your room? You have a busy night go relax. And did you finish your tea? I swear sometimes you would die without me. Did you?" she scolds not giving me a chance to even stand. I laugh as I stand and brush myself off.

"I  was on my way to talk to Remy. I left my tea in my room so I did-" I start

"I'll get it!" and with that she ran down the way that I came, me not even thinking about the potions. I continue on to Remy's room and pound the door, not caring about being "lady-like".

"(Y/n)?" the girl says as she opens the door. I haven't been in her room since before leaving so seeing all of the potions and overgrown plants made me hesitate to go in.

"Remy why do you have so many potions that do weird things in my room?"

"(Y/n)! You haven't even drank any of your tea! How dare you? I want to watch you drink this whole thing right now!" Bianca says as she barges into Remy's room. I just sigh and grab the bottle and not looking at the glass. I tip the cool liquid and scowl as it hits my tongue.

"No!" Remy screams and lunges for the bottle only as I take the last drink. "Bianca you idiot! That was your dumb tea that was my age potion! (Y/n), just stay calm. It will hurt like hell and I just want to say that it will be over in a minute." I was confused at first to what she was saying and tipped the bottle to the side hoping to read the label. Before I could I scream in agony and drop the glass, shattering on impact. Everything burns and shakes. I can't even function and just drop to the ground. I feel like being stabbed over and over as salt is poured into the wounds. As Remy said it only lasted a few minutes but I couldn't stand without Bianca helping me. She kept looking at me in shock and fear.

"What's wrong Bianca?"

"Oh nothing just that you look like a younger me when I was seventeen," she says while leading me to a mirror.

"That's because she just turned sixteen in two minutes you idiot," Remy snarls. I look into the mirror in front of me and freeze. My once round face angled out with raised cheek bones. My eyes has a gloss to them that added a mesmerizing feel to my face. My once stubby nose now looks like it fits on my face. My hair even grew out as did my busts.

"How will I explain this to Natsu? I went from three years younger to one in the three hours between seeing him?" I scream looking back and forth between my sisters.

"I hear my name from down the hall after a scream what happened?" I hear from the door. Oh shit.

"Um well, I kinda drank a potion that I shouldn't have and now have become closer to your age?" I say with a questioning tone.

"What?" I see his face tilt to the side as he studies mine. His eyebrow lifts as he stares at me more closely. I can't lift my face to meet his eyes and just stare at my hands as my face heats up.

"It suits you."

"Wait, what?" I ask as my head shoots up.

"You look beautiful, I mean you did before but now it's more defined," he says as he takes a step closer to look at me.

"Natsu, why don't you walk (Y/n) back to her room and help her pick a song. The last hour has been a lot for her," Bianca says as she winks at me.

"I'd love to. Maybe I can help you understand what happened (Y/n)."

"Thank you. For everything," I say as I struggle to stand as Natsu grabs my hand and helps me.

"Anytime (Y/n). Anytime."

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