Chapter 11

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Your POV

Watching Natsu on the train was torture. He was sick. Really, really sick. He had his head in my lap and asleep finally but he was still green. I sat and watched as the land outside flew by. I didn't want to miss anything, I guess that since I missed seven years I don't want to miss more. I can't wait to see my family. They could have families of their own now though. What if they turn me down? I know Remy went looking for me but what about Zoe and Bianca? What about Father?

"Hey," A voice says from under me.

"Hey Natsu," I say, distracted.

"Is everything okay?" he asks.

"Just thinking about things. Do you think they hate me for leaving them?" I ask, freaking out with all of the things that could go wrong.

"(Y/n), take a breath, it'll be alright. Open a window,"

"What will the window do?" I ask but open it anyway. Before he or I could say anything else he lunges over me and throws up out the window. "That's what it'll do."

We sat and talked between Natsu sticking his head out the window. He helped me relax and not freak out over the possibilities of what could happen. It was late when the train finally stopped at our stop. I called the family driver and told him not to tell any of them that I was home. He caught me up on some small things but said that the others should tell me what's new and what I missed.

I opened the door into a hallway that was so familiar. I heard loud footsteps run down the stairs around the corner and look up at the balcony to see a face that I knew but that had changed. I saw my old clothes, well, they weren't that old to me.



"Natsu is here too," Natsu says awkwardly beside me. Remy laughs and runs down the stair with tears streaming down her face. I didn't notice till she was in my arms that I was crying too. 

"What's with the screaming?" I turn around to see Zoe. She has aged so much and looks so mature now.


"What?" I ask with confusion all over my features.

"I said leave. Don't you hear me? I don't want to see your face here ever again. I want you to leave Remy and Bianca and Father and me all alone. You've caused us so much pain and I'm done. I don't care that you're alive, I want you gone," she screams pointing towards the door.

"What happened to the kind Zoe that I remember? The one threatened me to sing when I tried to get out of it? The one that helped me when I was sick? The one that I talked about boys with? What happened to her?" I beg.

"(Y/n), I don't think that's a good idea. She was the most hurt when you left," Remy says, still in my arms.

"Zoe leave her alone. She didn't have a choice," a voice says from behind us all. I look and see Bianca. Her smile made me feel welcome, unlike the look Zoe was giving me.

"Why are you all siding with her?! She's the one that left us!" after saying, more like screaming, this she storms off to her room.

"Why is she so mad at (Y/n)?" Natsu asks.

"She cried for weeks after the news spread that you guys had died. Remy here didn't believe a word of it though. She had a feeling that you were alive. Even though we fought all of the time I still loved you and told myself I would never be like Zoe. She's mad even though it wasn't your fault," Bianca explains to me.

"I can't believe it. All because of Acnologia my sister hates me now. I never meant to leave you guys," I fall to my knees and cry into my hands when I feel warm hands on my shoulders.

"It's been a long day I think you just need some rest," Natsu says. He bends down and picks me up bridal style so that I can rest my head on his shoulder. "Is her room still open?"

"Yes, do you remember where it is?" Remy answers.

"Yeah, I do. I can sleep on the floor in her room so that if she needs someone I'm there," Natsu explains.

"I ship them," Bianca whispers to Remy so that Natsu and I can't hear.

"I do too," Remy giggles.

(A/N)~ I'm sorry this is so short and bad. This just came to me and I realized that I needed to update. Please tell your friends about this story and maybe check out my new story called faceless and rogue x reader. Thank you call again my lovely readers and please comment and vote I'd love it!

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