A Drop in the Ocean (Niall Horan Fanfic)

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Chapter One- Niall

I saw her before she saw me. She was beautiful and graceful. It was at a signing. She was a little back in the line in the massive line of screaming, fangirling girls. When it was her turn, I asked her name.

"What's your name, beautiful?" I winked, she blushed.

"My name's Caliopy... But people call me Callie." She smiled, revealing yellow braces, like mine! Damn, she gets better and better!

I flashed her a smile, and she blushed harder.

"So what do you want us to sign, love?" Harry asked, flashing a cheeky grin, like always.

"Oh, um, my book." She said as she pulled our latest book out of her bag. We took the book and signed it. I took it first. Our eyes met and I smiled and scribbled my number. Zayn took it next, then Liam, the Louis, and last but not least, Harry. I've never given a fan my number before, but I wanted to see more of her. Callie took the book as I smiled and jokingly started to sing "Call Me Maybe" in hopes that she would. After the signing, the lads were like,"What the hell? What if she's too young?!" I just shrugged, I guess the adrenaline got to me.


The phone rang a little after, maybe it was eight?

"Hello?" I answered.

"It's Callie." I sighed with relief.

"I wanna see you again. Can we Skype or text or call or maybe even meet soon?" I laughed. She was so cute.

"Yes, love. What's your Skype name?" I asked.


"I'll Skype you later." I said with a smile and we hung up.

I decided I would take a nap and get some food. After that, I looked up Callie and Skyped her.

She answered after about three rings.

"Hey Nialler." She smiled.

"Hey Calliopie." I winked. "What's up?"

"Nothing. Talking to a really cute Irish boy." She smiled, I smiled. We talked for about two hours. We talked about food to barn animals to the sports we played. I talked in my American accent and my Southern accent. But she seemed to like MY accent.


Author's note:

This is my first fanfic. I hope y'all like it (:

No cliffhangers....yettt :D

Bye, lovelies(:

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