Chapter 2

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**Auther's Note: Omigawwdd you guisee. Lol, 20 reads! Thanks so much. So this part will be Callie's POV from the signing to present. Hope it doesn't confuse you guys. I'm sorry it took me so long to update, but I live with my momma and my laptop doesn't like to work. Anywhore, thanks so much, comment, fan, whatever floats your goat. I love you all and thanks so much for putting up with me. Enjoy! xx

**Callie's POV**

I was telling my mom to hurry up and take a piss already. I didn't wanna miss the boys! And the line was getting humungous. I started tapping my foot. I couln't take it anymore.

"Mom, I'm going to the signing without you! I'll meet you at the car!" I yelled into her stall.

"Okay, honey." I ran to where the end of the line was. I stood there for about forty-five minutes before I even came close to the signing table. I completely froze. I walked up to the table and Niall asked my name. Red flushed my cheeks. I stuttered slighty.

"My name is Caliopy... But people call me Callie or Cal." Niall smiled at me. I'm pretty sure I was the color of a fresh tomato. Then Harry spoke.

"What do you want us to sign, love?" His emerald green eyes looked into mine. I almost forgot! My book! I handed thier book to them and Niall signed first. He scribbled a number-- HIS number-- onto the page. Harry, Zayn, Liam and Louis all signed and handed the book to me. I was shaking so hard, I'm pretty sure I looked like I had Parkinson's disease. Then Niall started singing "Call Me Maybe". I smiled to myself. I had Niall James Horan's number in my hands!


I called a little around eight. I dialed his number into my iPhone and pressed 'call'. After a few rings, he picked up. My hands went to their tremors again.


"It's Callie. When can I see you again? Can we meet up or Skype or something?" I heard him sigh.

"What's your Skype?"


"Okay! I'll Skype you later!"

I sighed. Since I didn't know what time he was going to call, I checked my Facebook and Twitter.

@Caliopie1D: I'm sooo excited! Every directioner's dream is soon to be coming true for me! Skyping with Niall later! #dreamcometrue xx

A minutes later, Niall hit me up.

"Hey, Nialler." I smiled.

"What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much, talking to a really cute Irish boy." He blushed and smiled.

We talked for a while, about food and barn animals to the sports we played. He talked in his accents, but to be honest, I like his accent. Then he asked me on a date.

"Would you like to go out on a date with me?" I grinned like a madman...madwoman...whatever.

"Of course! Where to?'

"It's a surprise! I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow. The lads and I are off tomorrow."



**Another little note:

Next update will probs be tomorrow.  I have no flacking clue what to do on their date! Comment or message me or some shit. I hoped you liked it!

Tweet me: NiallerLover4

Message me on Facebook: Neely Elizabeth Pritchett

And if you wanna, follow me on Instagram: neelyhoranmydearr4

I LOVE YOU <3333 xxx

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