Edward left...and Bella joins.....

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Hey! This is my first story like this...so bare with me again! I'm up for suggestions for anyone of my stories! I own nothing, but the plot line, the events that follow it, and the characters I make up. Stephanie Meyer owns everything else! I just want to spread my imagination with wattpad! I hope you like it! Sorry for misspellings, compliments of my phone. Well here goes..... 


Bella's Pov : 

"Bella, Aro will see you now.." Jane said. 

"Thanks.." I muttered. I followed the doll baby-like figure all the way to the oak double doors. Jane looked at me as if she could kill me right now. I wouldn't have cared. Not now.  

"Be careful of what you say...actually don't. " she suggested. Strange. Since when did she want to help me? She looked at the guards and they opened the doors. 

"Aro, you have a visitor.." she stated, running to be next to Alec. Aro smiled warmly as he saw that it was me. 

"Ah Isabella, to what do we owe the pleasure?..."he asked, a little overly excited. Maybe he already knew.. 

"Well Aro I've come to ask a favor." I stated. I was going to continue but he interrupted me. 

"Please don't say you want to be killed. For one I would be awfully hurt, seeing as I never got to see your potential. For two I have already hunted, and I'm pretty full at the moment. "He interjected. 

"No, no Aro, never that. I've come to ask that you change me. I no longer wish to be the fragile and clumsy human I was born as." I said. 

"I will under a condition. You must join the volturi, but not as a guard as the Volterra queen. We will train you." He explained. 

"Sure but under two of my conditions also. One I drink animal blood only, but in emergency cases then and only then will I drink a human. " I said he nodded, " and two you will have to let be give birth to my vampire children." I finished. They all gasped when they heard 'birth' and 'children'. Aro nodded. 

"Okay fine but these children will join too. I have a few questions though. " he said and I nodded as if telling him to ask. "Well Edwards the father I assume, so why are you here instead of with them? "He questioned.  

"Yes he is and I hate his filthy guts for what he did to me...ill explain now.  


I was in the forest pregnant, crying, and shaking at what I was hearing. Of course I hadn't told Edward I was pregnant yet, I planed on telling him today, until now.. 

"W-w-what are y-y-you saying?" I stuttered. 

"Bella I don't want you anymore. Your worthless to me. I mean honestly I let it go on for too long. A vampire and a human..please! It was destined for disaster, so your welcome, I stopped it before it was to late. Enjoy you stupid human life! I hope I never see you again. That's what I'm saying. " he said and left. I ran home as fast as I could. I then went into the kitchen, grabbed a notebook and wrote the not to my dad. 


I'm sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but I have to. I hope you get over me. 

I love you, forever and always, Bella.' 

*******FLASHBACK ENDS********** 

And that's what happened .." I sighed as I finished my story. Jane came to me and hugged me tight. 

"I'm so sorry Bella. I'm also sorry for being rude, I actually don't hate you ....we are going to be the best of sisters! "She said. I giggled.

(I skipped to when she is giving birth, sorry but I didn't want to wait)

Well today's the day. Dr. Hill (they hired him) said that I'd give birth. I was in this big room on a hospital bed in pain. Why can't they come out already! Dr. Hill walked in then. 

"Bella its time. Now I need you to push on 3. 1...2...3...push." He said. I did as he said and soon I heard a tiny cry. Knowing I had to push again I did and soon heard another tiny cry. I sighed in relief. Dr Hill wrapped them in tiny blankets and handed them to me. I smiled and so did they. 

"Little Alison and Little Alex." I said. Alec came in and smiled warmly at us.  

"I heard there names, very nice. Can I hold them?" He asked. 

"Thanks, Alex's name was inspired by you...since you were always there to help. And of course you can!" I said as I handed them to him.  

"Awe your too kind! Awe they are so adorable! " he said. 

"Thanks, hey could you put them down and come here. I feel faint and you need to change me now." I said. He did as I told him. Before he bit me I whispered a 'thank you're. It burned like like, well I couldn't put it into words. The darkness surrounded me then. Once I thought it was finally gone, it picked up pace. I went straight for my heart. I felt my legs,arms and hands were free of pain..I could move them again. I twitched my fingers and a warm hand grasped it gently. Someone then kissed my forehead. My heart picked up pace, trying to fight the venom. Moments later it stopped. I opened my eyes and could see EVERYTHING! I looked at who was holding my hand and smiled, and so did he.  

"Alec baby, I love you." I said smiling. 

"I love you to Bella dear...have for awhile now."he said. Then he kissed me softly. I smiled at him, wrapped my legs around his waist and said "so what do we do now. With all this free time? ..." I said and kissed him passionately. I heard him growl and I smiled into the kiss. I felt his hand go up my body, under my shirt and to my bra. He unfastened in quickly. I groaned this time and he smiled. I pulled him down against me. I put my hands in his hair to make him stay to me. I kissed his jaw and he kissed my neck. We both moaned at the same time.  

"Alec..will you stay with me?" I asked. 

"I wouldn't dream of anything else." He said and we both chuckled, knowing we can't sleep. Then we got back to our ' business'.... 


I hope you liked it!! Should I keep writing? Oh and I want to say thanks to GiselleTapia for helping me with the baby names! So Plz comment, vote, fan! I love ya! Ur comments make me want to write more and more, so thanks! ♥mini

Edward left...and Bella joins.....Where stories live. Discover now