Chapter 1

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I had liked Grayson since the Minute I met him...

I was August when we moved into our house, I was five at the time, him and his brother Ethan were six and their older sister, Cameron, was eight.

Although I was three years younger than Cameron we became very good friends we would play everyday and as we got older we would walk home after school together and hangout then, most of the time she would come over to my house but sometimes we'd go to hers which I kinda liked because that means I got to see Grayson. For some reason I couldn't faze the one conversation I had with him...

~~~Two years ago

It was after school and me and Cam had decided to go to her house because her parents were working late that night. We walked into her house and dropped our bags on the floor in the entry way and we walked into the kitchen, I sat on one of the stools at the island as she started rummaging through the cupboards looking for something for us to eat.

"ugh" she huffed as she turned around folding her arms across her chest leaning back on the counter,

" there's literally nothing in this house to eat, Ethan and Grayson are always eating. Like constantly. I think there's something wrong with them" she says, looking annoyed,

"seriously, it sucks having brothers, they eat everything in their path, you're lucky you don't have one, I think I'd much rather having little sisters" she chuckled as I burst out into laughter

"Trust me Cam, you DO NOT want little sisters, they're the worst they constantly want to wear or borrow your clothes and be friends with all of your friends, they're so clingy all the time. Why do you think we always have sleepovers here instead?" I laugh as I roll my eyes

"damn.. well I guess just having younger siblings sucks in general, you can't really win" she chuckles rolling her eyes as she opened the fridge door looking for something else to eat

"hey Cam do you thin-" I start but was rudely interrupted by a slam at the front door and two boys voices shouting and laughing hysterically. Ethan and Grayson. Both our heads snap in their direction as they stop in their tracks. There was a short moment of silence them staring at us, Cam giving them a death stare and my heart going a mile a minute as I saw Grayson standing there wearing black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees with a grey Adidas sweater. A small smile cracked on my face as he spoke

"Hey Cam, hey Maddy, how's it going" he said as he bumped his shoulder against Cameron's as he walked by her. Just the sound of him saying my name made me blush. I watched as he walked over to the stool beside me and plopped down on it, crossing his arms and placing them on the island leaning forward

"so.. what are we doing" he asked staring at Cam batting his eyelashes and smiling at her, Cameron narrowed her eyes at him as he shifted his gaze to me. My heart started beating faster and I felt my face begin to flush

"o-oh" I stammered "we were talking and stuff" I felt like the whole world had stopped spinning. He smiled at me, then pursing his lips as he looked back at Cameron his head still facing me as he hummed in response slowly turning his head to face Cameron. She was furious at this point she narrowed her eyes at Grayson

"Can you just leave?!" she screamed stomping her foot of the ground and letting out a huff

"fine" he breathed looking once more at me before he stood up and walked over to the sofa where Ethan was already sitting watching Netflix. Cam looked at me before rolling her eyes and signalling for me to follow her upstairs to her room


It had been about two hours of us watching movies and episodes on Netflix as I turned to her and old her I was going to go get a snack she told me to make some Mac & Cheese. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen opening one of the cupboards and taking out the box and placing it on the counter, I then filled up a pot with water and placed it on the burner. I leaned against the counter pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I opened Instagram and started to scroll through it when a voice startled me

"what're we having" he said as I flinched dropping my phone on the floor. It was Grayson, he was standing right next to me staring down at me I blushed as I bent over to pick up my phone causing Grayson to burst out into laughter

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled as he grabbed my shoulder, I smiled and managed to laugh a little while on the inside I was dying.

"It's ok, I scare easily" I say bashfully. WHAT WAS I DOING?! This is not me this is not who I am normally, what was going on with me he's just Grayson just a crush. Nothing more, nothing less. He smiles warming my heart.

I smiled as he walked over to the counter and picked up the box of Mac& Cheese.

"mmm" he hummed as he placed the box back on the counter and walked over to me standing directly in front of me. My heart was beating so fast I felt like I was going to pass out, he was staring at me and standing so close. His beautiful brown eyes staring into mine, then scanning my face. I felt faint, I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to kiss him but I knew that he didn't and would never like me back. He smiled once more before walking to the couch as he sat down he shouted

"you have to share with me", I smiled and shook my head and I continued to make the Mac & Cheese.


As I stood close to Maddy looking down into her sparkling green eyes, I realized that I liked her more than I thought I did. Sure, I thought she was cute and she was pretty funny, and so nice but I'd never gotten a close look at her, her eyes sparkled in the light, her skin looked so soft, her freckles, her smile. Just everything about her was perfect and I wanted to just kiss her right then and there but I couldn't.

I didn't know if she liked me back. I smiled at her, earning a smile back which made my heart race, I had never felt this before. I needed to sit down I pulled back and walked over to the couch sitting down feeling instant regret. I should have kissed her, I should have done something, But I didn't and not a day went by that week that I didn't think of her and didn't regret not kissing her.


Oh my gosh, ok I hope you liked it Part two is coming soon I promise I will try to upload as much as possible I'll try and update once or twice every week thank you so much for reading if you did and yea, stay tuned for the next upload I'm almost done the second chapter so keep your eyes peeled :) if you have any suggestions please feel free to leave a comment I really want to get your feed back (I didn't really clarify but in the story Maddy is in grade 11 so she is 16 turning 17)

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