Chapter 3

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I was so excited to hang with Ethan. It's been way too long and I was so happy to see the text from him that read:

Eeteeweetee: Get in loser we're going shopping💁

Eeteeweetee: haha jk but you wanna hang?

and of course I said yes. I threw my clothes on and ran down the stairs throwing my shoes on. I glanced out of the window as I finished tying the laces. It was raining. I sighed lightly, and stepped outside, bolting across my lawn and over to theirs. I could feel the heavy raindrops land on my head and my uncovered arms and I could feel the wet grass tickling my ankles. I dashed up the front steps and stopped in front of their door shaking the water droplets off my arms. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A smile beaming across my face. A few seconds passed before the door flung open, an all too familiar face smiling back at me.


"Maddy!" He practically screamed, grabbing me and pulling me in, hugging me tightly, "I missed you so much"

"Aw E I missed you too" I replied, giggling a little hugging him tighter.He pulled away and stepped to the side shutting the door behind me.

"Is Gray here?" I asked peeking around the corner into the kitchen. 

"I' don't really know, he's probably off doing dad things like groceries or whatever" he chuckled. God I missed his laugh so much. The way he acts around Meredith makes him look like a dick. But when he's with me and Gray he's his old self again. Meredith was a slut. And we all knew it,even E. She'd cheated on him more than once and they were always on and off but I think he just hated the feeling of not having someone. But he didn't deserve this. He was with her for 2 years and I guess last year, in grade 11, he got boring and she cheated on him because he refused to have sex with her. But he forgave her over and over again, each time he found out she cheated. They've been together for 3 years now and she's been cheating on him for the past year. And he knows but can't let her go because I guess it's just too hard for him.

"Well what are we doing today?" I asked, striding over to the couch, plopping down. He followed behind me taking a seat beside me.

"Whatever you want to do, I don't really care" he replied, pulling out his phone. I peeked outside, remembering that it as raining so there isn't much we could do.

"How about a movie" he chirped, looking at me with hopeful eyes. 

"Sure" I shrugged, "what movie?"

"We could go see pitch perfect" he sat up a bit, tilting his phone towards me, the screen filled with a poster that had Anna Kendrick's face plastered on the front. My eyes lit up.

"I LOVE Anna Kendrick" I exclaimed, he smiled.

"let's go then, it starts in 15 minutes" he jumped up, grabbing my hand pulling me out to his car. I sat shotgun he sat in the drivers seat.


We were waiting in line to buy tickets when Ethan got a text. I watched as his eyes followed the words across the screen, his smile slowly fading and he froze. My heart rate started to beat a little faster, I was worried. 

"what is it?" I asked him, my voice sounding more shaky than I'd like it to. He glanced up at me, guilt spread across his face. 

"I have to leave" he hesitated slowly shoving his phone in his back pocket. My heart dropped and I looked down at my feet. "it's Meredith, she wants me to come over..." he said slowly. The sadness I felt turned into anger and I felt my cheeks heat up and I looked back at him his eyes meeting mine. I clenched my jaw.

"Are you fucking serious?" I spat. He didn't say anything back. I opened my mouth to say something but snapped it shut when I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I couldn't speak, my throat started to hurt and I felt tears well up in my eyes and I glanced back at my feet. 

"It's fine" I croaked, walking out the door and into the pouring rain, I pulled out my phone and dialed the phone number of the only other person I could think of.

"Hello?" he said, his voice bringing me comfort and I let out a choked sob. I didn't even know what to say. I just stood there in the pouring rain feeling like shit because I'd been ditched for someone who seemed more important than me. 

"Maddy what happened" he asked his voice filled with worry.

"Can you come get me please?" I asked him my voice weak. 

"Of course, where are you?" he said without hesitation.

"The theater off of Greenwood Road" I glanced back up at the parking lot where Ethan's car had been parked minutes ago and it was no longer there, I let out another choked sob.

"I'll be there in five minutes, don't go anywhere okay?" he said and I heard the car door slam in the background.

"okay" I replied pulling the phone away from my ear and clicking the 'end call' button.


About 5 minutes later a familiar black car pulled up in front of me and someone emerged from the driver's side. He ran up to me and without saying anything to me he wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head I could hear his heart beat, it was going a mile a minute but it soon slowed down when I wrapped my arms around him. We stood there for a moment before I felt a shock of guilt run through my body.

"Gray, you're getting wet" I mumbled into his chest and he let out a breathy chuckle.

"Don't worry about it, It's just water" he released his grip around me looking into my eyes, hands resting on my shoulders. I let out a little chuckle at his comment causing him to smile. He then reached his arm behind him and pulled open the door to the passengers side and I got in. I sat there for a moment taking in the warmth of the car. It felt nice. As soon as he got in he started the car, taking the route home. The sound of the rain overpowering the quiet tune of a song playing through the car. (A/N Minimum By Charlie Cunningham if you were wondering lol) 

As we pulled into his driveway, he shut off his car and turned to me. Eyes locking with mine.

"What happened?"



I hope you enjoyed this chapter, not super exciting but I felt like I needed to update cause it's been a hot minute. I'll try and update more and I'll also publish more smuts cause you guys REALLY liked that:) anyways NEW CHAPTER COMING SOON i promise. Also my new Ethan Dolan book is up if you wanna read that:)

INSTA: whatxdolan

SNAP: whatdolan 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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