For All Eternity (Ratliff love story/R5 Fan Fiction)

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I was siting in my room looking at some old photos of me and my best friend Ellington Ratliff we met in grade school and he left before we went to high school. He promised to keep in touch with me and he did for a few months and there was nothing. I really miss him so much. I would have to say that I have a little crush on my best friend . But never got to tell him. I am now getting ready to head to LA for a job that I got in a TV show. But am hoping that when I do get to LA I can try to find him again. But I am not holding my breath right now.

*Flash Back*

"Nikki i have some bad news have to tell you and you may not like it."Ratliff said

"And what is that Ratliff",Nikki said

"I am moving to LA because my mom got a job out there and I also joined a band call R5 and they are also moving there as well. I am going to miss you so much Nikki and I will call you everyday and skype you as well,"Ratliff said

" OMG I can't believe you are leaving. I am so going to miss you Ratliff you are my best friend and when are you leaving",Nikki asked

"Am leaving this weekend",Ratliff said

" Oh okay (said with tears in my eyes)",Nikki said

" Ratliff it's time to leave now honey",Cheryl said

"Okay I guess Nikki is not coming to say good bye to me, God am going to miss her so much",Ratliff said as he saw Nikki running at him and jumping into his arms.

"Am so going to miss you Ratliff "I love You!" Please promise me you will call me and Skype as well"?, Nikki asked

"I will Nikk because I will miss you as well and "I Love you too!" and I promise I will call you and skype you",Ratliff said

*Flashback ends*

~4 Years later ~

"Nikki are you all packed up ? You are going to miss your plane",Abby said

"Yes am ready are you ready because you are coming with me to find a house to move into?",Nikki said

A little about my best friend Abby she and I have been best friends since we were in high school.

"Yes Nikki am ready am all packed up let's hit the road ",Abby said as we headed to her car and got in and headed to the airport.


Abby and I got to the airport and parked the car and locked it up since we are leaving the car hear when she is gone for a week .

"So Nikki have you tried to call Ellington or any of the Lynch's ?", Abby said

" Yes I tried to call everyone but got no answer",Nikki said

"Flight 222 is now boarding at gate 11 "

" I guess that is us let's go find our seats",Abby said as they walked to the gated and handed there tickets and walked on the plane and found there seats.

"You know what I can't wait to start this new TV show ",Nikki said

" I bet you are Nikki and I really hope that you won't stop your acting because you are really good at it .",Abby said

" I won't Abby because I know that am good . And doing a few guess starting roles in Criminal Minds they wanted me to stand on Show . ", Nikki said

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