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Laura followed the boys into the hospital making an effort to keep up with them

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Laura followed the boys into the hospital making an effort to keep up with them. They stopped at the front desk before a Woman walked down the halls grabbing their attention.

"Uh..." Scott started as the woman walked over to them. "Hi Mom" He shrugged as Stiles waved at the woman awkwardly.

The woman who put Liam in a wheelchair introduced herself to Laura as Melissa, Scott's Mom before she wheeled Liam away into a patient room leaving the three standing in the hallway. Laura shifted uncomfortably not being used to all the smells and sounds of a hospital only having been in one once when she saved her Dad.

Stiles broke the silence talking to Scott "Alright, I gotta get going. I promised Malia I would help her study" He tells his friend who nods.

"Sure, I'm gonna go check on him anyway" Scott replies as Stiles made a move to exit the hospital before looking back at Scott.

"Hey I don't need to say this wasn't your fault, right?" He asked him knowing that his friend felt extremely guilty for what happened on the lacrosse field.

Scott shook his head "I don't know" He replied honestly thinking that it was entirely his fault as if it wasn't for him and his petty jealously Liam wouldn't have a broken leg.

Laura sat near them listening in on their conversation as she swung her legs back and forth bored out of her mind. All she wanted to do was find her Father but it seemed as if everyone was held up figuring out anything else. She didn't even know if he was alive anymore but she had hope he would be, and he would be looking for her too.

Scott walked up to her as Stiles left the hospital. "Hey, I'm gonna check on Liam, wanna come?" He asked as he looked down at the girl who stared at him for a good minute before nodding.

They walked down the hall to his room, Scott stayed outside as he received a phone call but Laura just walked straight in not knowing the social etiquette of knocking.

Liam stared at her in shock as she sat on the end of his bed smiling at him before turning her attention to the television which was playing a cartoon.

Liam was about to open his mouth to ask her why she was sat on his bed when a scream ripped through the air.

Laura's attention turned from the TV to the hallway and Liam seemed to have the same idea as he struggled to get out of his hospital bed and hobbled out into the hallway. Laura gave him a strange look but dismissed his behaviour, he wasn't her responsibility.

"Hey, anyone hear that?" He called out looking to see if anyone was around. "Thought I heard someone" He muttered as Laura joined him in the hallway.

The boy gasped as a guy came around the corner blood dripping from his face, he bared his fangs at the two letting out a roar. Laura quickly jumped in-front of Liam extending her claws and taking a fighting stance as the boy stepped closer to the pair.

Laura lunges at the boy swiping her arm towards him but he was faster, twisting her arm in a inhuman position before kicking her in the gut. Laura fell to the floor, temporarily wounded as the boy grabbed Liam but before he could take off Laura swung her leg and caused another claw to come out of her foot as she sliced his leg.

The boy stumbled but regained his balance, he had one target and he wouldn't let this girl take it from him.  He clawed her again, this time at her chest giving himself more time as he hobbled up the stairs carrying an injured Liam.

Laura sighed defeated as she tried to focus on healing but bigger wounds took more time. After a few minutes the wounds started to stitch themself back together and she took off limping in the direction she assumed they had headed.

She made her way onto the roof seconds after Scott had arrived and saw the scene play out before her. The guy had Liam in a headlock on the edge of the roof ready to throw him off as Scott tried to reason with him.

"Let me help you" Scott pleaded not wanting this to end in anyone's death.

The boy shook his head grunting as if he was in pain "Wendigos don't need help. We need food" He cried as he tried to wrestle Liam off of the edge.

Scott lunges into action jumping towards the pair as Liam was now dangling off of the roof barely able to hold on.

Laura turned to the boy or Wendigo and roared as she ran towards him ducking as he tried to attack. As he wasn't expecting it Laura jumped onto his back about to claw out his throat but he slammed them both back into the concrete wall, causing her to clash onto the floor as he struggled to get off before he rushed towards Scott and Liam.

The Wendigo tried to pull Scott away from Liam, he managed to detach one of his hands as Scott struggled to hold onto Liam, he could feel the boy slipping from his grip and knew that once the Wendigo grabbed hold of the other, their was nothing left he could do but watch him fall. But he refused to let the boy die, it was his fault he was placed in this situation and he had to save him.

As the wendigo took hold of Scott's other arm. Liam felt himself slipping. Laura who was still trying to regain her strength looked across at the boy in sadness knowing what would happen if he let go.

Liam looked distressed as he looked up at Scott who was helpless as he arms were pressed behind his back. "I CAN'T HOLD ON!" He yelled as his hand slipped and in that second Scott knew what he had to do, he knew what decision he had to make. He bit Liam.

Liam cried out in pain as Scott held him up from his arm with his teeth. Laura knew that she had to do something as Scott wouldn't be able to hold him for much longer. She forced herself up as she felt her wounds healing themself again and grabbed the boy from behind rotating him so that he was no longer near the pair and stabbed him but as she did so an axe was lodged into his back.

Laura was shocked as she looked over the boy's shoulder who had now fallen towards Laura as she saw something she had never seen before. A man without a mouth, he grabbed the axe as he turned and walked away from the trio not before holding his finger up to where his mouth should of been.

Liam cried out in pain again reminding Scott of what he had to do to save him that is if he survives the bite. Scott looked back at the body of Sean who Laura had now placed on the floor, before his eyes flickered over to Laura before settling on Liam again. He didn't know how he was going to explain this to the Sheriff, let alone Derek.


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