Report Animal Cruelty

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If you think someone you know is abusing animals, please speak up. The best thing you can do is report your suspicions of cruelty to your local law enforcement agency, humane organization, animal control agency or taxpayer-funded animal shelter. Read on for more information about how to recognize and report cruelty in your area.

 Read on for more information about how to recognize and report cruelty in your area

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If you live in New York City and need to report animal cruelty, please contact 311. To report crimes in progress in any borough, please call 911.
In New Jersey
If you believe you have witnessed animal cruelty in the state of New Jersey and would like to report it, please call the NJSPCA at (800) 582-5979 or fill out NJSPCA's online form.

In Other Areas
Find out who is responsible for investigating and enforcing the anti-cruelty codes in your town, county and/or state, such as your local humane organization, animal control agency, taxpayer-funded animal shelter or police precinct. If you have trouble finding the correct agency to contact, call or visit your local police department or your local shelter or animal control agency for assistance.

How to Report Cruelty

Try to gather the following information before submitting a report of animal cruelty:

A concise, written, factual statement of what you observed—giving dates and approximate times whenever possible—to provide to law enforcement.
Photographs of the location, the animals in question and the surrounding area. Note: do not put yourself in danger! Do not enter another person's property without permission, and exercise great caution around unfamiliar animals who may be frightened or in pain.
If you can, provide law enforcement with the names and contact information of other people who have firsthand information about the abusive situation.
It is possible to file an anonymous report, but please consider providing your information. The case is more likely to be pursued when there are credible witnesses willing to stand behind the report and, if necessary, testify in court.
Keep a record of exactly whom you contacted, the date of the contacts, copies of any documents you provided to law enforcement or animal control and the content and outcome of your discussion. If you do not receive a response from the officer assigned to your case within a reasonable length of time, make a polite follow-up call to inquire about the progress of the investigation.

How to Recognize Animal Cruelty

While an aggressive, timid or fearful animal may appear to be a cruelty victim, it is not possible to know if an animal is being abused based on their behavior alone. It is best to examine the animal and his surrounding environment to determine whether or not he or she needs help.

Physical Signs of Cruelty

Tight collar that has caused a neck wound or has become embedded in the pet's neck
Open wounds, signs of multiple healed wounds or an ongoing injury or illness that isn't being treated
Untreated skin conditions that have caused loss of hair, scaly skin, bumps or rashes
Extreme thinness or emaciation—bones may be visible
Fur infested with fleas, ticks or other parasites
Patches of bumpy, scaly skin rashes
Signs of inadequate grooming, such as extreme matting of fur, overgrown nails and dirty coat
Weakness, limping or the inability to stand or walk normally
Heavy discharge from eyes or nose
An owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal
Visible signs of confusion or extreme drowsiness
Environmental Signs of Cruelty

Pets are tied up alone outside for long periods of time without adequate food or water, or with food or water that is unsanitary
Pets are kept outside in inclement weather without access to adequate shelter
Pets are kept in an area littered with feces, garbage, broken glass or other objects that could harm them
Animals are housed in kennels or cages (very often crowded in with other animals) that are too small to allow them to stand, turn around and make normal movements
Other Animal Cruelty Issues

To Report Cruelty Seen on the Internet

If you see cruelty depicted online, there are steps you can take to report the site or images in question:

Access this background information for a particular website by visiting and doing a "whois" search of the site in question.
Contact the site's ISP (Internet service provider) about the offensive material.
If you have concrete information that a website is displaying/promoting criminal acts, you may wish to contact any or all of the following organizations and advise them of the facts of the situation:
Local law enforcement officials ("Local" in this case means based in the area from which the website originates—the "whois" search will provide you with the registrant's address) and, if you think an animal is in immediate danger, the possible offender's local FBI branch
Your local animal shelter or humane society, which may have the power to enforce animal cruelty laws in the area
The local city/county Health Department/Board of Health, because abuse of animals often involves unsafe or unsanitary conditions for humans
The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), but only if what you have seen has a financial element (someone selling, trading, or offering an illegal good or service)
Local and national media organizations, as the power of the media to bring public attention to an animal abuse situation can help initiate corrective actions

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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