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Fake love is amazing.

Tear is amazing.

Where's their Grammy?


She stared at the tall buildings of the city. It was lit up with so many colors, and if she listened carefully she could hear that the city was still very much alive with laughter and music.

It was 1:30 am.

She turned and looked into the hotel room, her eyes glancing to the other occupied bed unlike hers that had messy sheets and no warmth. She saw the outline of Rhianna Avalon as she slept. She remembered how nice she was and how she didn't pressure her to say anything.

She was relived when she found the balcony. Now she could actually think.

Starting with her family.

She had grown up with an older sister and her mother. Her father had left when she was very young and she couldn't thank her mother enough for all the sacrifices she's made in her lifetime to make sure that her and her sister had a future. She didn't really think through how she was going to tell her mother that her soulmate was a famous singer.

Y/n turned back around, her eyes going back to the bright city as she curled her self up on the balcony. She liked Taehyung, she knew he was a sweetheart. She's stanned bts since the beginning and knew how normal and nice they were. But was she really ready to change her whole life?

Was she ready to give everything up? She didn't know.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the clear sliding door opened. She looked to see Rhianna smiling lightly at her, the warm night air blowing through her dark hair.

She took a seat right next to Y/n who rubbed her arms lightly.

"Can't sleep?" Y/n asked her as Rhianna laughed in response.

"I should be asking you that" Rhianna replied watching in curiosity as Y/n seemed to be distracted.

"You're scared" Rhianna spoke, watching as Y/n hummed lightly.

"I'm a senior in college. Everything's going to change now, and I don't know if I'm ready" Y/n solemnly said.

Silence filled the air, the two girls sitting quietly.

"Can I tell you something" Rhianna spoke suddenly. Y/n nodded lightly, watching as Rhianna shifted towards her.

"When I met Jin for the first time, I was only a starting model and dancer. I was in school just like you and I was terrified. Before Jin, all my relationships ended in heartbreak and pain. I was scared he would be another one, but it's just something about him that made me understand that he would never hurt me, and I was right. It's always hard to date someone who's not your soulmate, but I still did it. And I wish I hadn't. I wish Jin was my first love because then I would have never experienced heartache. Having a soulmate is something you can't just forget about. People have tried, but after so many years they eventually go crazy. I know you're scared, but I've been in your shoes. I've been where you are. I didn't have other girls to look after me though, I was the first one out of this little group. I finished college, and although I do work for BigHit, I still have my own job and modeling career. You can still be what you want to be, but you get to experience it with a great man. Taehyung has been waiting so long for you. He's hurt so much, and he wants to be happy. When your with your soulmate, it makes you feel amazing and alive. You'll understand very soon that it's hard to be away from him. He's a good guy and you seem very nice. I know you'll be okay. Just believe that he'll do anything for you, because I know he will"

Y/n was speechless as she looked at Rhianna. She would have never expected that from her.

"What are you going to school for?" Rhianna asked her. The question caught her off guard but she smiled at her.


"You guys really were made for each other. With how much he loves fashion, he'll probably fanboy over it" Rhianna said making Y/n laugh for the first time.

"We'll have to collaborate one day and make a clothing line together" Rhianna said.

"Really?" Y/n asked shocked.

"Most defiantly. We're about to spend alot of time together and i'd love to see some designs" Rhianna spoke and Y/n excitedly squealed before covering her mouth as she realized she was outside. That sent them both into laughter and she was shushed by Rhianna.

"We don't want to wake anyone " Rhianna joked. Y/n laughed lightly again and then smiled at Rhianna greatfully.

"Thank you. That really helped" Y/n said and Rhianna nodded to her.

"Anytime... and I'd love to talk more but we should go to bed, it's almost two and we have a long day tomorrow" Rhianna spoke and Y/n nodded in agreement. They both got up and walked back inside, saying good night to each other.

As Y/n laid down, she turned to look out the balcony window.

She'd be alright.

In fact she'd be more than alright.

This is what that great feeling was.

She'd be amazing.


Filler chapter!

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Also, thank you for almost 400 reads! It's means alot <3

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