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Hello ❤

Sorry for the wait :) I've been really busy

As always; enjoy!


His eyes were trained on the back of Namjoons head. The interview was boring as hell, and it didn't help he couldn't understand 90% of what was being asked.

He had been working hard to learn english; more lately than ever. He was preparing a whole speech for Citi field and he wanted it to sound perfect.

It could also help with y/n. He knew she was raised here, and even though she spoke Korean, he knew it wasn't her first language. He wanted to be able to talk with her.

She didn't mind speaking Korean, and he knew that, but just the idea of impressing her and making her smile could make his day.

His mind had been out of it ever since he got the text that she had landed safely. Honestly he just wanted this to be over with so that he could go see her.

The thought that she was in New York and he wasn't with her made him anxious. He'd been craving her touch and smell.

It's been a long couple of days for him.

The next question was asked but, like the rest, he only nodded and continued to space out.

He caught a little of what Namjoon translated; something about love. Taehyung hummed along with the others but didn't answer.

The underlying tone with the producer had already been set, and it was made clear that no questions about the boys soulmates were to be asked or they would end the interview.

But he thinks the interviewer could tell that he was out of it for that specific reason because she didn't make to much effort to talk to him. And he was glad she wasn't.

He had been stressed with how much attention the whole situations been getting, seeing as apparently westerners took a huge interest in his love life all of a sudden. It had trended number one for almost three days about how Bts's Taehyung met his Soulmate. More of the fact that it had got out that they already had numbers on their arms.

Sucolio Tumprus apparently wasn't just uncommon; but it was rare.

Now everyone's trying to find her social media, his fans are doing literal studies on Sucolio, and even Rhianna's mother had asked him to bring himself and y/n in for some testing.

A pinch to his thigh shot him out of his thoughts as he set his gaze on Jungkook who sat to his left.

"What are you most excited about while here in New York?"

Namjoon turned to Taehyung, smiling, and gestured for him to answer. His words altered as he felt y/n's name begin to come out but stopped once he realized that it would be a bad idea.

"Seeing... all of our fans" He spoke in english. It wasn't a lie. He was excited and nervous about Citi field. That was a lot of people that aren't from South Korea.

"I love you Army" He finished smiling cutely at the camera. The others started to answer as well, Taehyung instantly going back to fiddling with his hands.

"That's all we have for today! We'd like to thank Bts for coming in and we wish you the best of luck!" The interviewer said.

"Are we done now?' Taehyung whispered to Jungkook who only shrugged.

"Thank you for having us!" Namjoon said and waved bye; the boys quickly following suit. The camera cut and he anxiously gripped the chair and waited to be told it was good to leave.

'Alright we're done,' Namjoon finally said and Taehyung instantly shot up from his chair to make a b-line for the dressing room where his phone was.

He heard the boys laugh behind him but at this point he didn't care.

Practically sprinting he got to the room and nearly wiped out from not being able to stop in time to open the door.

He went inside and instantly grabbed his bag that held his phone.

He opened it, smiling as he saw that she sent a meme to him. His hearty laugh filled the room and he was typing back quickly as the others walked in.

'He's whipped,' Jimin whispered to Yoongi who only laughed at him.

'So are you,' Yoongi shot back grinning.



Taehyung was so buried into his phone that he hadn't noticed Namjoon walk up to him.

'Yah,' He spoke watching as Taehyungs eyes snapped up quickly at his phone. Taehyung thought he might have been in trouble due to the fact that he had been constantly on his phone; but he only grinned at him.

'You know we have the night off. You should take her somewhere nice. One of the bodyguards can take you and we can help choose the restaurant,' Namjoon countered and Taehyung smiled at the idea. That would he nice.

'That's a good idea! Let me ask her-" He started but Jimin cut her off.

"Don't ask her! Be romantic and just say dress nice and be ready by eight."

Taehyung nodded and texted her quickly the exact words.

'Great! I call dressing him up.' Hoseok said excitedly.

'He's not a doll Hoseok' Jin said laughing at Taehyungs expression.

'He needs help and you know it.' Hoseok mumbled as a chorus of laughs echoed around the room.


It's been too long :) I miss you guys.

THANK YOU FOR 5K READS! I purple you 💜

Already working on the next chapter ;)

Don't forget to like, comment, and share!

Much love, Rhi

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