The Battles of the Ævski Empire

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"Hey, Luke!"

Luke turned to see a familiar person running towards him.

"Oh, hello there, Kim."

"I barely ever see you nowadays, what've you been up to?" Kim inquired curiously. "I hope you're not planning another battle with Lucy in Libya, you know how badly that went last time."

You may remember from the start that Lucy was a former friend turned arch nemesis of Luke. In looks, she was seen as an angel in human form, but the inside of her was as demonic as the Devil himself. She had golden-brown hair that hung loosely over her shoulders. She almost always wore white, to show people just how deceiving looks can be.

"You know just as much as I do that the defeat was intentional. You should never show your true colours too early in wartime, otherwise you cannot take them by surprise."

Kim laughed. "Yeah, sure it was intentional."

"But to answer your question earlier, I am planning to build up my reinforcements in Palestine," Luke replied. "I have made a temporary agreement with the President of Palestine that in return for letting my troops into his country to attack Egypt, I will help him drive the Israelis out of Jerusalem."

"Hey, I'm allied with Israel!" Kim was outraged. How dare he attack my ally? She thought.

"Then I shall have to try and decipher the Belarusians from the Israelis," Luke waved her protest away.

To clarify, Kimberly Higgins was an ally to Ævislåvia, and a close friend of Luke's. Just so you can visualise, Kim was rather short, had long, brunette hair and wore blue and black armour, with a black helmet that bore a grey eagle on the front of it. Kim governed the Belarusian Empire, made up of Belarus, China, Japan, the UK, and South Africa. Kim's Empire was one of the most economically beneficial empires in the whole world, seeing as it supplied the rest of the world with gem diamonds and gold from South Africa, including the rare kimberlite diamond from which she was named. The Belarusian Empire had a population of over 1.5 billion, the largest of any empire.

"You shall regret this," warned Kim. "You mark my words, you will regret this"

"Oh I'm so scared right now," mocked Luke. "How many people does your army have? Five? Ten?"

"More like ten thousand!" she shot back.

Yeah, sure, whatever, Luke thought to himself. I'm going to wipe the floor with her army if she tries to prevent me from attacking Israel.

* * *


Under a colossal banner of red, black and gold, the Ævski army charged down the side of a steep hill at the oncoming swarm of yellow-clad soldiers. This was the army of the Northern African Empire, currently run by Lucy. Lucy owned the five countries at the very top of Africa, i.e. Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. The flat, deserted landscape, with an occasional hill, was ideal for an attack on a scale such as this one.

"Remember, men, I will only take one prisoner, and that is Lucy herself!"

The two armies met in a deafening clash of swords on swords. Instantly, the sandy ground at the base of the hill became not separate yellow or red armies, but a horrific mixture of them both.

"Archers, at the ready!"

Luke leaned in to whisper into one archer's ear, "Get everyone to aim for the enemy at the back of the swarm."

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