Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 12

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*Third Person Narration*

Nancy left Jess's hospital room to go meet up with Jimmy. She had the urge to go see Justin. When she walked up to Jimmy he was sitting with Aria. "Ready to go guys?" Nancy asked when she approached them. They both silently nodded. It was a killing silence. Even Jimmy was quiet, he had not cracked a joke since. "It's quite surprising that you're actually quiet" Aria commented making Nancy giggle. "When your best friend is fighting death alone, it's not the same. I don't want to see the world without Justin" sadly sighed Jimmy.

Aria and Nancy felt bad, but they were just trying to cheer him up. The rest of the walk was very quiet. They had finally reached the I.C.U. Jimmy walked up to the secretary and her jaw dropped. "Whoa...You're Jimmy!! Oh my God.. May I please have an autograph and picture?" She desperately asked.. Jimmy shook his head and said "I'm sorry, I'm here to see Justin Timberlake right now. Maybe later, okay? Now may I please enter the room?" Replied Jimmy. She nodded and let him enter the first class section of the hospital. Jimmy grabbed a hold of Nancy's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers.

Aria smiled at them two and she followed behind. They had finally reached a room with the name tag 'Justin Timberlake' in an open pouch on the door. Aria decided that she wanted to go in alone. Jimmy and Nancy nodded and walked in. They both grabbed a chair and sat beside him. "Hey man.. It's Jimmy.. Man you better wake up soon! Or else Imma beat your ass up!!" Jimmy whispered to Justin in hope that he would hear him. Nancy laughed and said "Yup Justin!!! Besides we have so much to do!!! You still have to help Jimmy beat up boys that break Winnie's heart.. Jimmy and Nancy kept talking to him for a while until they heard a knock on the door.

Aria walked in and Jimmy and Nancy understood that she wanted some time alone with her new boyfriend. Aria leaned over and put her lips against his sweet lips. She kissed him with all the love available in her. It was a short and meaningful kiss. She grabbed a hold of his hand and sat on the chair beside. "Justin. Baby. You have to wake up. I'm sorry. I need you. I know we just met, but I feel like I've known you forever" she picked up his hand and pressed her lips against them. A tear trickled down her face splashing on to his hand. "I hope you can hear me.. But I love you. I know it's early and it's not a fandom love. I really love you. I'm in love with the way your eyes sparkles when they see me. I love the way you smile. I love every little thing about you Justin. Please wake up" she said while lying her head on his chest. She had one arm around his waist and the other on his chest. Suddenly, she felt his index finger move.

Aria dashed up to get a doctor. She came back within seconds with a doctor beside her. She explained what had happened and they checked his heart beat, and blood pressure. "Congratulations, his movement adds on to his recovery. It means his recovery rate is very high and with God's help he shall be waking up within hours or days" said the doctor. Aria couldn't stop smiling broadly. She thanked the doctor and shook his hand. When she went to go drop Jimmy told her that Jess was on her way. "Okay I'll only be a second" Aria said assuring Jimmy. Aria hurried towards Justin give him one more kiss. She looked at his sleeping body and leaned down and passionately kissed him. She nibbled on the top of his earlobe and then whispered "Baby.. Wake up" She then went back and have him a quick peck kiss.

*Jess's P.O.V*

I looked at my friends and they smiled at me. "Wait! Before you go in, I have to tell you something" said Aria. I saw Jimmy and Nancy give her the look. Huh? What was that about? Probably just an inside prank that Jimmy had planned. I laughed and said "Go on..." She nodded "When Nancy, Jimmy and I went in, his finger twitched and had movement. So, we called the doctor and he said he should be waking up within hours" she explained to me. I started smiling cheek to cheek. "Oh really!!" She nodded at me I hugged them three tightly and walked inside the room.

*Jimmy's P.O.V*

"Oh God!! I thought you were going to tell her about you and Justin.." said Nancy. Aria laughed and shook her head.. "I'm not that dumb.. Pfft" laughed Aria. "Well Ms. Traumen, next time let me know before you going to joke. So I can help!!" He said laughing and punching lightly in the arm. She nodded while laughing. "Let's go to the cafeteria and get something to eat.. Jess is going to take a while" said Nancy. Jimmy and Aria nodded and followed behind.

*Back To Jess's P.O.V*

I saw his restless body sleeping. He looks so cute. His hair was all messed up, he had a tiny smile on his face. I walked over to him and pressed my lips on his and kissed him. I didn't want to pull away, suddenly I felt him kissing me back. My eyes opened wide open. I pulled away to see his eyes still shut. "Oh Aria.. How many times are you going to kiss me?!? I know I'm sexy," he said slightly opening his eyes. My jaw dropped.. When he saw me.. His eyes gained an apologetic look. "Baby.. Listen to me.." He tried to grab my hand. I ripped my hand out and backed away shaking my head.. "Justin.. Again? I can't. I'm done. I'm leaving. You know!! I remember every little moment of ours! The way you smile, the way your eyes sparkle, I remember the way you dress, I remember the way you smell. How could you?!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "Baby.. Let me explain, I was going to tell you.." He tried explaining I shook my head and left.

Outside, I saw Aria, Jimmy, & Nancy. I walked up to her and slapped Aria across the face.. "Bitch, how could you?!" I rudely said to her with hatred apparent in my voice. Aria looked at my with a confused face. "Don't give me that bullshit, don't act innocent." I said to her.. She faced her head down...I walked away and left the department. I couldn't believe this, I spent hours worrying about this man, and he could do this again? This time he'd have to pay, I'm done. I'm not his little toy that he can always play around with. I looked down at my stomach and rubbed it "I'm here with you" I said to myself....

A/N: OMG YES! I finally updated!! So what do you guys think? Hehe!! Also Question Of The Update: What's your favourite song by Justin and why? QueenTimberlake, I already know. But you can still write me a paragraph if you wish! <3 ~Comment (I love reading comments) Vote (Pweaase!! I need em) & Fan (Legit Fan! I want you to be hyped up on this book!! <3 Muaah xoxo <33

Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now