Can you Hear me

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Alana’s POV

I’m trying to stay awake but I can feel my eyes drooping more and more.

“Hey is someone out here?”

I heard a voice say. I tried to speak but I was too weak. I made a low grunt.

" Hey mane I think I hear something."

" Where?"

“In alley.”

" Ok lets check it out."

I heard foot steps and gasps. Blurry figures came near. I felt myself get lifted up into the air, then everything went black.


Ugh!!!! This noise is making it hard for me to sleep. Wait… I never went to sleep, and why does it smell like medicine and death instead of alcohol and drugs.

I tried to open my eyes and all of a sudden bright lights filled it. It was bothersome. Okay pain serious pain. I tried to sit up but someone stopped me.

“Hey, take it easy you need your rest.”

“Naw, I got to get home before they……. ummmm……….. I mean before my parents worry.” I said.

“Wait you can’t go.”

" And why not?"

" For one thing your hooked up to these machines and two the doctor hasn’t said you can go home."

" Are you serious. Where am I anyway?" I said genuinely confused.

" At a hospital. Duhh."

" Oh yeah, right. I knew that.." I said trying to convince him but I don’t think it was working. “Look if we are done talking you can leave now.”

" Ouch lil’ momma is that anyway to talk to the people that saved you."

“Look I’m thankful and grateful to you all but you got to leave and I have to go home.”

" He told you can’t go anywhere until the doctor comes back. So you stuck here for a while." He said while laughed a little bit.

“Ugh fine, but how long have I been here?”

" Well about a week."

After he said that I started freaking out and panicking on the inside, but my eyes got wide. I hope “they” haven’t been looking for me or when I get home I’m in a lot of trouble. One of the boys waved their hand in front of my breaking my train of thought.

“You okay?” He asked with genuine concern.

" Yeah I’m fine."

Just the a man with a white coat came in with a clipboard in his hand.

“Miss I have some good news and some bad news but either way I get paid. So what you want to hear first.”

" Good news first." I spoke softly.

“Well your alive and you can go home tomorrow.”

“What’s the bad news?”

“Well bad news then?”


( Well what do you think the bad news will be. Not telling the names of the boys that saved herjust yet.)

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