♚ T a r g e t L o c k e d O n ♚

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  • Dedicated to You! The Reader!

Disclaimer :: I do not own 'The Legend of Zelda franchise' nor You, so please don't report me or sue me. All the edited photo's used in this story were edited by me. I do not own the original photo nor the text used. Also, this story takes place in neither any of the games made so far. The land is smashed up versions from everywhere. I'm sorry i cannot provide you a map of what I think it looks like in my brain but I hope you will be able to picture it later.  ♚

♚ As Y/N stared out the giant glass window in her room, Zelda watched her silently. Y/N refused to look, or dare speak to her, or her family. Zelda watched as Y/N's eyes gazed endlessly outside, the rain pouring down quickly and Y/N's breath reflected on the glass. She stood up and walked towards the door, placing her hand on the knob but no so much as to open it.

"You know... you can talk to me if something's bothering you. I... I am your sister now." Zelda murmured softly, hoping Y/N would open up. But Y/N/ didn't move an inch, didn't even blink. Zelda dropped her head slowly and left the room.

Y/N stood up slowly with a sigh and than fell backwards, landing on one of the photo's of when her and her mother were free. Y/N didn't understand why her mother would marry the King, especially because she knew Y/N would be stuck inside with no way out.

'How could she call herself MY sister?' Y/N thought to herself, raising and eye brow at the door. Y/N Quickly straightened out her dress and walked downstairs.

♚ Time Skip ♚

"Forget it, Y/N's not going!" Zelda said sharply at her father, slamming the spoon down on the table. The whole dining room fell silent. Y/N's eyes began to twitch when Zelda had that outburst. Y/N tried to keep her calm by closing her eyes, and drinking the tea quietly. "She might get hurt! She could be kidnapped! Or-"

At that point Y/N had lost all patience she had saved. She slammed her hand against the table and looked at Zelda with a harsh glare and said quietly yet firmly, "Look little miss I-Think-I'm-Better-At-Everything-More-Than-Anyone, It's not your choice if I get to go or not! I can make my own choices thank you, I'm not Mental!" She snapped.

"Y/N... Please, N/N, sit down-"

"No! I don't think you understand mother! How could you possibly think of making a truce with these people! She's trying to control me! I'M NOT HER PUPPET-"

"SILENCE. Please, Y/N if you cannot eat kindly and can not see the error of your actions, than you can go to your room!" Her mother scolded. Y/N's eyes widened, her mother froze and stood up as she saw the tears forming in Y/N's eyes.

"Oh... Y/N, I'm sorry dear, I didn't-"

"I will never ever forgive these people for allowing father to die. I will hold a grudge against this castle and these people for as long as I shall live! ...And you cannot stop me!" Y/N muttered silently while running to her room.

"..." Zelda just sat there, her eyes full of regret. "...I'm sorry miss L/N..."

"...No... It's... fine..." Even though Y/N's mother had her head turned away, Zelda could still see the crystal tears falling from her eyes and could hear the silent sniffing. Even though Zelda and Y/N came from different lands, different mothers, different families, she considered Y/N a true sister.

♚ Time Skip ♚

"It's not fair...!" Y/N screamed into her pillow. She kept on crying and sniffling and cursing until her lungs felt dry, and the tears just stopped. Not knowing what she should do, Y/N sat up against the window beside her bed and stared out it, watching as the sun set behind death mountain and the light reflecting off of Zora's Domain. Y/N sat there, as hours and hours flew by.

Everything was silent.

Opening her eyes slowly, Y/N dropped her pillow to rub her eyes and than sat up slowly, noticing it was already 2 AM. Had she really slept that long? her gaze averted to where Zelda sleeps and noticed her staring at Y/N. Y/N's gaze turned into a slight glare and turned away.

"Listen..." Zelda said slowly. She paused, but Y/N didn't object so she continued. "...I know it's hard... I want you to know I'm sorry for what my father... did to your father. I want you to know... that even though it's only been 3 months... I want you to think of me as an older sister..."

"...I..." Y/N didn't want the tears to fall again but when Zelda mentioned Y/N's father she couldn't keep it in. "...I could never forgive your kingdom... and how they just let your father... hang my father. in front of everyone. Just because of his belief in Dark Magic. I couldn't stand to watch as you cut off his head. I possibly can't, no matter what, forgive your father and the townspeople..."

Zelda was silent. She settled her gaze on the ground and than moved closer to Y/N. Before she sat down she made sure Y/N wasn't going to yell at her or hurt her and sat. Y/N's gaze moved from the window to Zelda.

"Here," Zelda said, a tiny smile taking place on her face. Y/N stared at her as she put a necklace on Y/N. "Your father... wanted me to give this to you before he died."

Y/N's eyes got big and gazed at Zelda with a look that said, 'He did? This is really for me?' and Zelda smiled.

Y/N froze for a second and than looked at Zelda with tears in her eyes. "I-I want you to know that-"

And that's when the window smashed open.

It was like slow motion as Zelda screamed and threw herself to the ground while Y/N's eyes just widened and sat there, frozen and still, her body temperature dropping to almost dangerously low but picked itself back up again.

"Y/N! LOOK OUT!" Zelda screamed as a hand lunged out and grabbed Y/N from her stomach and pulled her out of the window. In a second they were gone, the only signs that something or someone was here was the broken window. Right after they left, Zelda's father and Y/N's mother ran into the room and Y/N's mother screeched While Zelda's father just shook his head no. He held onto a crying mother while Zelda just sat there, the tears rolling down her face.

"Right when... Right when I thought we could get along she...!" Zelda narrowed her eyebrows and glared silently at the window.

"...I swear... Whoever did this... Will pay. Or else."

♚ Time Skip ♚

"W-Who are you! How d-dare you kidnap a lady!" Y/N snapped trying to loosen the grasp he had on her until she finally gave up and just watched as the castle looked farther and farther away until... it was no where to be seen.

"Who... am I...? hehehe..." The figure chuckled, the voice seemed deep and evil-like. Y/N lifted her head, and her eyes widened as the figure's dead red crimson pupils stared right back at her while muttering in a very creepy tone.

"Well, I'm the definition... of Hell."

Words : : 1231

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